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A/N: As an apology  for not posting last night, here ya go babes

-Vi's POV-

I walk over to Benzo's shop, I want to protect everyone, Y/n can't always protect us, I walk in and I see her on the crate, she look up at me and with her eyes widened

I walk up to her hugging her "What are you doing here?" She asked "I can't let you take the blame all the time" I say caressing my hair "I really messed up vi, really bad, this isn't a thing that would just pass on. I need to take responsibility at some point" she says trying to convince me to go.

"You need to go back home" she says trying to push me away "My home is with you" I put my forehead on hers "You have protected me so many times, let me do the same for you." I caress her cheek like she does to me.

"If your going down I am too then" a tear rolls down her cheek "I'm so sorry" she says hugging me "I'm sorry too" I hug her and kiss her forehead.

"We both sit on the crate holding hands. We watch as the shadows get closer and to our surprise it's "Vander" he rushes to us "you have a good heart, don't ever lose it" he says to me pushing me into the basement door room "WAIT"

-Y/N's POV-

Vander and Benzo walk up to me "We are proud of you, you have a good heart, and I am proud to call you our daughter" Vander says kissing my forehead and pushing me in the same room with vi "wait VANDER BENZO" I yell and they close the door locking it.

Vi bangs in the door pleading them to open the door, I walk over to see Grayson outside, Grayson to me was my bestfriend, she always looked after me and cared, like a mother "GRAYSON PLEASE DONT DO THIS" I bang on the window.

I see something kill her and I gasp, vi runs to me "NONONO" I cry while banging on the window almost cracking it but the glass was too strong.

I hear Vander yell for benzo, and whatever killed Grayson killed benzo "NOOO BENZOO" me and vi cry "DAD PLEASE NOO" some guy dragged Vander off and I punch the wall "DAMMNIT" I curl up crying, blood running down my fists.

Vi hugs me crying into me "Why, why" she tries to hold back her tears "It should've been me" I cry into her "Shhhh no it shouldn't have" she says hugging me.

The door opens and I see Ekko in tears, "they took him, t-they they" I hug him tightly "shhhh it's ok calm down" he cries into my shoulder trying to calm down.

"Now where did that monster take him"

-Back to last drop-

"WHERE DID YOU GUYS GO-.." Mylo went to yell but when I stepped down the stairs I fell to my knees almost crying "They took him" is all I could say trying to keep myself from crying.

"Hey hey it's ok, where did he take him" Mylo asks "We don't know but Ekko gave us some directions."

(Imma change Silver's age, she's a year older then Powder)

Everyone gets ready i takes vander's gallants "Woah woah woah, those are vander's," Mylo tries to stop me "Whatever took Vander, tore Benzo apart we need all the help we can get" Vi says.

"You are sitting this one out" I point to powder "Why? How come sliver gets to go, even you said Family stick together" "I know what I said" "I want to help, I'm not afraid, why can't I help" "YOUR NOT READY" I yell, I sigh.

"Listen Pow pow, I know your not my own flesh n' blood but your like my little sister, I would be devastated if you were hurt cuz of me"

I continue "The reason why silver is going is cuz she know her way around my gadgets, I can't fight and free Vander, if one of us need help I know silver can back us up" I hug powder "I'm sorry" she cries into my shoulder.

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