Who's side are you on?

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-Y/N's POV-

I can feel her kiss from my jawline to my neck going a little lower to my sweet spot, bitting it. I start quietly moaning and squealing, "So it's right there huh?" She muffles into my neck.

I bite my lip trying not to moan loudly, she hugs my waist picking me up making me wrap my legs around her waist.

She hold me up on the wall, she kisses down my neck to my collarbone "Violet- with clouds around it" She observes on my collarbone, "Yea, got it for my 19th birthday" I explain looking down at her with half hooded eyes.

She looks over to my other collar bone, "Cailtyn Kiramman, with a heart and a ring on it" she says as she kisses it too. "Got it the day before the wedding as a surprise for her.

She goes down to my torso area messaging my tits.

I hold onto her shoulders leaving scratch marks on them, i can hear her groan and chuckle into my skin "Geez don't scratch me too hard" she says kissing down to my inner thigh.

"Then don't bite me that hard" I breathe out while hissing and arching my back a little. I can hear her chuckling and smirk against my skin, She puts my legs over her shoulders nibbling my inner thigh.

I hold onto her hair covering my mouth, Vi hugs my thighs, as I wrap my legs around her neck a little bit.

She kisses closer and closer to my woman hood then I hear someone walk in. I gasp a quietly, I nudge VI's shoulder but she didn't budge.

"VI!" I whispered loudly, she kissing over to my woman hood and hums in response, I hiss then cover my mouth.

"Lady Y/n?" One the girls calls for me "yea- Yes! I'm here, just gimme- mmm! Give me a second." I try to hold on my moans.

"Alright! I have some fresh clothes for you and your friend" The Lady says, Vi sounds swirling her tongue around my clit quickly as she pulls me onto her more.

I bite my lip "MHM" the girl walks, I exhale sharply breathing heavily, one of my hands cover my mouth and the other grabs into VI's hair.

"Vi you- mmm- almost got us caught!" I try to move her head away but it was no use. She sits me down on a ledge in the shower as I cover my mouth.

She smirks leaning up to my ear "If she did come in, you would've put on a show for her wouldnt you?" She whispers kissing my neck again.

"So you guys are just going to leave me out of all the fun?" I hear a voice call out, I look over VI's shoulder and I see an amused Caitlyn standing at the entrance of the shower.

I hide my face in Vi shoulder as Vi looks back at Cailtyn "You can join at any time" Vi says flirtatiously, I gasp quietly as my eyes widened a little.

"Most definitely" Cailtyn says seductively as she steps in the shower, Here lyes Y/n Celeste Madarda Kiramman.

-Jinx's POV-

Me and Silco ran to Singed as fast as possible with silver in his arms, I can feel my tears pouring down my face like waterfalls, She is all of have.

Silco barges through the door, both of us out of breath. I take Silver and lay her down on the table. "Stay with my silver" I whisper to her kissing her cheek, I lean over her caressing her cheek wiping the dirt of her cheek.

-Silco's POV-

"Her injuries are severe" Singed says strapping Silver down to the table "You think I can't see that?" I say harshly.

"Huh?" He looks up at me, then to silver, "I believe I can save her, but the process will be demanding." Singed says strapping Silver's ankle to the table.

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