Some more behind the scenes

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A little bit of angst.

"The fuck do you mean?! I stayed over at Powder's place cuz you literally kicked my ass out, now you mad cuz I didn't answer a text?! Hell you never even answer my calls!" You yelled at Vi,

"I didnt kick you out, all I said was if you want to see powder so bad then fine go ahead!"

"You ALSO said, don't come back!" You go to pack her stuff, "Y/N!" Caitlyn walks after you.

"Y/n please-!" "I'm sorry Caity but I can't with Vi this time, she's been getting too jealous lately and I can't deal with it no longer" You explain while picking up my bag.

Caitlyn grabs your wrist, "But.. you said you wouldn't leave me too.." Caitlyn look down:

"I love you so much Cailtyn" Y/n press my lips onto hers "I'll see you soon, but Vi is out of hand.. take care of her"

You walk out of the door, "Cupcake I-..!" "I'm sorry Vi but I can't.. we need a break from each other." You explain while holding your belongings.

(Y/N's POV)

"Cupcake listen-" "please.. I need time.." I walk out the door and walk over to Powder's apartment, sniffling.

(After walking a mile to get to Powder's apartment)

I look around and take my hood off "Powder?" I knock on the door, I stand there for about 15 minutes and she opens the door.

"Hey lo- ooo" she looks at my puffy face and the small tears running down them, "I must say that I'm sorry but, you are a really hot cryer"

I exhale sharply and she lets me in, she then goes to her refrigerator and gets to bottles of wine.

"Mike's or Seagrams?" Powder asks calmly, "Mike's please" I sniffles and wipe my tears with my knuckles.

Powder quickly runs over and wipes my tears, "Shhhh it's okay, you're ok" she comforts me as I try to contain myself from crying even more.

"I'm sorry, I'm not actually sad im just angry, at.. myself ya know I- feel like it's always me that's the problem-!" Powder presses her lips onto mine "Don't ever blame yourself for having feelings" she cups my face.

She passed me a opened wine bottle, I sniff it a bit "What did you put in there"

"All I did was open it, damn" Powder rolls her eyes, I scoff and take a good gulp of my drink.

"How is it?" Powder asks as I put the bottle on the couch and lay my head on her thighs curling up into a ball.

She rubs her soft hands up and down my waist slowly, I sigh put in relief as it made my spine have a bit of chills

"Ya know, I really like everything about you Powder" I turn to face her, her eye brow raises a bit as she smiles lightly.

"Well that was just random" she comments as she tucks a bit of hair behind her ears.

When she's out of the studio she doesn't really braid her hair, either she leaves it in a messy bun or out.

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