How we Met

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-Still in flashback-

-Cailtyn's POV-

"I'm Caitlyn, nice to meet you" I say to her with a slight smile, I have never seen her in person, I only seen her in pictures.

"Y/n why don't you show Caitlyn your butterfly garden" Mel says patting my shoulder, she nods and motions me to follow, "Be nice and try to make friends ok?" My mom says kissing my forehead.

This Y/n girl seems like she isn't happy, but why? I mean she practically has it all, I walk outside to see Y/n playing with animals.

I would say spoiled but I feel like she's not used to this life. I walk downstairs to her as she was petting a red panda "Hey, uhm may I sit with you?" I ask,

She looks up at me and nods her head "So do you mind me to ask, can you tell me about yourself" I say putting a hand on hers.

"Well, I like shooting, blowing up stuff, inventing, I'm a bit of a fighter" she says in a disappointing voice. Her life is so cool, I wish I knew her sooner.

"Is Medarda the only family you got?" I ask leaning into her a bit "I'm not related to her..I was adopted" she says looking at the animals. Watching them play with eachother. I wonder, is she from Zaun?

"Im guessing you were a Zaun child" I assume to her, she looks at me, I could tell it was with wide eyes even tho her hair was in her eyes.

"It'd ok if you are, i won't tell" I assure her, she calms down a bit but still is a little tense. "Hey would you like to hang out tomorrow?" I ask, "I might some friends, is that ok?" I ask her putting my hand on her arm

She shrugs, "Then it's settled" we both get off the ground "Friends" I say opening my arms for a hug.

She hugs me slightly tight and kisses my cheek "Friends" she whispers, her voice is so hot, I hug her more. "I wanna show you something." We both walk somewhere, a little past the butterfly garden.

She pulls a lever that's on a tree, it looks like it was camouflaged, way too cool. There is this tall tree that was screaming with excitement.

We walk into it and there were 3 levels to the tree, we were kn the bottom where her workshop was, we walk up some stairs and her sharpshooting arena and gear was there.

She has boxing and fighting stuff by the top, including a bed and blankets. Also an amazing view of the city.


She punches my shoulder, even though it wasn't that hard it still attacked my whole arm  "Ow, fine fine" I say rubbing my arm.

She sits on her bed and looks out at the city.

"Thank you for being my friend Caity" She says with a sweet smile, she's so cute.

"A-anytime" I say nervously.

-End of flash back-

A/n: Heyy im sorry I didn't post earlier i was extremely tired.

Im also sorry if there are misspells, right now I'm still tired so this author bout to go back to sleep.

Bye love

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