The Lanes

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-VI's POV-

We walk to Jericho's on the way I can't help but think about her, Y/n I wish you were here, you would've really liked this person.

We finally make it to Jericho's "Mmm oh Jericho how I've missed these" I say with a mouth full of food.

I see the girl with the hood on eat and smile at Jericho, he rubs her head laughing, he only used to do that to Y/n, I guess people change.

"Aren't you going to question him" I hear The enforcer whisper "About the meat?" The girl asks turning to her, I huff "Definitely not above our board" I say stuffing the food in my mouth.

"For real" the girl says partially laughing, I chuckle a little, "Listen, I didn't help bring you here or help break out of jail to eat slop" The enforcer complains

"We're here because I'm hungry, do you know what prison food is like? No, of course you don't" I put more in my mouth.

"Ugh you guys are impossible" "Sweet cheeks, we will, figure it out ok? Patients is something you never learned while growing up." The girl in the hood says I snicker with food in my mouth.

Jericho puts a napkin down and The girl with the hood lifts it up a bit.

She signals us to go follow her, I wonder how long she's been down her, she makes her way to the Brothel, "Love, Uhm why are we-?" The Enforcer gets shushed by her "Shhh" I sigh.

Somone opened the people hole, the girl in the hood, lifted her hood so he could see her face. The person huffs and whispers something to her.

They open the door and we all walk in "Hey uhm hey Love, how do you purpose we handle this?" "Simple, let them think you work here,"
"Excuse me? I will not"

I sigh "Do you know what your problem is?" I ask her "oh please do tell me" she says sarcastically.

"You expect everyone to you give you what you want, But you have to have something that they want in return" the girl finishes my sentence. She really knows what runs down here, almost like Y/n.

"What do I Have" I walk around her "Your sexy sweet cheeks" I say to her, she backs up against the wall "So what will it be? Man or woman" I say seductively.

I grab a man's arm "Hey I- I'm pim, what's your name?" It try to think of a cover name "Matilda, but you can call her what ever you want" the girl in the hoodie says, we both look at her.

She looks at Sweet cheeks pushing her towards pim by her ass, "Ah yes, my mother who named me Matilda" the girl rambles while me and the Hoodie girl walk to Madam's office.

We both walk in, "Long time no see," Madam looks up at me and the girl, the girl hugs madam kissing her forehead and sits down on the couch next to her.

-Y/N's POV-

"I can't tell you much but Silco's number 3 is a regular here" I raise my eyebrow, "Sevika" I mumble. I stand up "Thank you mother" I walk out and Vi walks behind me "Yo" Vi calls out for me "Enforcer" she pulls my arm "What?" I say angrily.

"How do you know anyone here? And where to go?" She asks "I just have personal business with them that's all" I say looking down, "Fine don't tell me" she lets go of my arm and starts walking fast.

We go where Sevika is "Don't get yourself into trouble, ok?" I say and Vi scoffs "Why do you care?" She she says nudging me off, I sigh "I just don't want you to get hurt is all" I can hear her quietly gasp, and then scoff to make it look like she didn't care.

"Whatever" she goes to Sevika and knees her in the side of head. "UGH I just told her not to, hard headed as hell"

I observe the fight until she stabs vi in the stomach, I run to Sevika and kicked her arm off.

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