The Hell?

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Y'all hello hello I'll be taking a break from uploading chapters to any of my stories cuz- I've been trying to get these dusty grades up 🙄  so enjoy this chapter cuz it's gonna be a long one- 😏

(Y/N's POV)

I wake up and Jinx is..

Gone? I get up immediately and my head hurts automatically. I decide to ignore the head ache and put on a black robe.

"Jinx?! JINX?!" I go downstairs, then I run up to the attic, a tear full of shimmer falls down my face. The sleeve to my rob, drops half way down my arm.

I sniffle as I wipe my tear "Jinx you promised..." I say as my voice cracked I wasn't crying hard but it kinda hurt how she just.. left me.

Someone grabs my waist and I put a gun to their chin, "It's only me sweet cheeks" I hear jinx's voice whisper in my ear.

My eyes widened turning around and pushing her away "YOU SAID YOU WOULDNT LEAVE ME-!" I get cut of from Jinx hugging me close.

"I didn't think.. you cared about.. me- last night I-.. I thought you were lying." She explains hugging my waist more.

Her voice became cracky as I can hear her sniffle. "Jinx you- you are all I've got.." I say trying not to cry, she looks at me wiping a tear off my face.

"Sorry sweet cheeks, I had to see if you were telling the truth, and you did, especially since you tried to get up knowing you were hungover" she explains cupping my face.

I nuzzle my face into her hand, "I'm sorry sweet cheeks"she apologizes again.

"You promised not to leave me" I say looking behind her. "I had to make sure you knew your promise" she says kissing my lips s softly.

We do this for a little bit then she kisses my forehead. "Let's go get breakfast, today is a busy day" She says picking me up and carrying me downstairs.

I yawn, then all the throw up tries to come up. Jinx knew what was going to happen so she rushed me to the bathroom.

I sadly throw up in the toilet- I didn't throw up that much- only a little.

It was worth it cuz after I felt like a new woman, anyways-

-an hour later-

We go down stairs and get breakfast, I didn't eat cuz my stomach was hurting a little.

I pack some of my clothes since I may come back if I need a place to sleep.

I walk down stairs with my backpack and I see Jinx ready to leave. "Jinx im sorry.. but.. if I get arrested then.. you can't come with me" I explain.

"I don't care if I get arrested. I want to be with you" "What if they take you away from me or worse.. what if they kill you.?!" I ask looking down.

"If they do then I turn into a monster just like Mylo and Claggor." She cups my face.

"NO! No.. I don't want them to kill you or hurt you" I say taking her hands off my face.

She cups my face again and kiss me

She stops putting her head on mine. "I'll let you go but.. please if you're in trouble or if they hurt you.." she pauses putting a bracelet on me.

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