Oil and Water

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-Y/N's POV-

"It's what he had to lose" Cailtyn says as we walk in, to be honest with you, I wasn't paying attention, "Councilors My daughter and the Protector has a unique insight into our situation" Mrs.Kiramman says.

"Thank you" I say walking up next to Caitlyn and Vi. "Councilors this is Vi she was born in the undercity as well as Our Protector Y/n, even though we failed them in, countless ways" Caitlyn looks at me and Vi.

We both look at her "They both have risked everything to show me what life is like down there" I smile slightly, I look at Vi and she looks to the ground.

"As you know, councilor Mel" we look at Mel and she nods, the councilors then look at me "Protector step forward" one of them say

I walk up in the middle of their meeting circle, "Is this true?" The robot councilor asks, I close my eyes and sigh. "Yes, this is true" I say looking up at all of them.

"Why haven't you told us where you came from?" One of them asked "I was afraid of being discriminated" I say automatically.

They fell silent for a moment.

"Tell us more about the undercity protector" Mel says, "People are starving, sick, ravaged by shimmer, they live in constant fear of the coordinated efforts of violent crimes lords" I explain.

"Only One man leading these efforts" I say with balled up fists "Silco" Caitlyn finishes my sentence.

"We've gotten investigations on Silco, They have yielded no such level of organization" the robot councilor says.

"And who-?" "Who led these investigations?" Caitlyn interrupts me knowing I would ask in a offensive way.

The councilors look at each other like lost children "What does this Silco even want from us?" Jayce asks. "He believes the undercity should be independent, he calls it the Nation of Zaun" Caitlyn explains.

"What about these do you know who made these? Jayce asks putting one of powder's bombs on the table "Well, uhm-." Vi steps next to me holding my hand.

"Her name is Jinx" she says calmly, "This Jinx has the gemstone?" Jayce asks, I nod.

"Then we have to go in be force" Jayce says getting up "That could trigger war" Mel says.

"There are good people down there" I say stepping forward, one of the councilor's scoff.

"And bad ones too" "Same could be said about piltover and you know it" I say in an irritated voice.

"Even if we wanted to invade they have shimmer" one of the councilors argue, "We have Hextech" Jayce says turning back to look at me.

I look at him wide eyed "What happened to you?" I ask stepping forward a little and Vi squeezes my hand "We've been talking about talking for weeks now their still cleaning the blood off the bridge" Jayce explains.

I look at Mel who closes her eyes angrily "When do we say enough is enough?" Jayce asks staring at me on the eyes.

I scoffed in anger silently "Jayce you don't know war, I do" Mel says looking down then looking to me.

"It must be our last resort, there may be a diplomatic solution" Mel says calmly. Jayce looks around and the councilors start agreeing.

"What?" Vi gasps a little "You want to negotiate with him?" Vi says in disbelief, "It may be the only way to avoid further bloodshed" one of the councilors say.

"This is insane did you learn nothing?"Vi raises her voice "Vi" I whisper trying to hold her back.

"You can't talk to him" I say looking at them "He hates you, everything you stand for" Vi argues with them.

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