Jinx? And Me?

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A/n: UHHH OHHHHH BACK AGAIN- SORRY imma upload one more chapter to this cuz I was stressed and tired yesterday.. so we gonna upload this chapter mkayyyyyy

-Y/N's POV-

A decided to walk around the village for a bit.

"Hey Sweet cheeks!" I hear Jinx skip to me "Where you going? Dressed all nice?"she coos


(Without the collar and deer horns)

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(Without the collar and deer horns)

"Oh I'm just walking around" I say as she checks me out, "hmmm" she smirks looking at me ass.

I cover my ass walking away, "awww sweet cheeks, come back" she whines following behind me. She flips over me and lands infront of me.

I stop in my tracks and she gets close to my face, "You know we have some business to discuss" she coos. We sit there quiet, she wraps her arms around my waist.

I put my hands on her shoulders almost stopping her a bit. "Have you decided?" She asks.

"I don't know if I want them back yet" I say looking away.

She simply shrugs "it's probably for the best. Your state of mind now couldn't handle it" she says plucking my forehead.

I hiss and hood my forehead. "Ow!" I scoff and she pulls me in a bit more. Putting soft kisses to my lips, I wasn't sure at first but I decided to give in and...

Kiss back...

Her kisses weren't too rough, it was quite soft and caring.

I pulled away when I heard rustling in the leaves. I pretended like we were hugging, "why'd you stop?" She asks "Someone was going is there" I whisper in her ear.

Jinx looks over to where the sound is comping from "Oh Sparky And ash right?" Jinx asks "Yep" sparky nods.

I turn around to see Sparky and Ash glaring at Jinx "What's with those faces?" Jinx asks almost in a pouty voice.

"Can we have our boss for a few minutes" Sparky says crossing her arms. Jinx shrugs and lets me go.

I walk up to sparky and Ash "You said you had an announcement for us?" Ash asked.

I scratch my head unsure of my decision is right, I mean they will be off the hook if I have a nice talk with Cailtyn and that Vi girl.

I sigh... "Meet me in my cabin, later" I say crossing my arms a bit.

Ash hugs me almost as if she knows what I'm going to say at the meeting. I hug her back as she lays her head on my shoulder.

We part ways and I walk up next to Jinx, "So- that's just it?" She asks. Smiling at me.

I sit down on a rock "Well, maybe I can turn myself in to Cailtyn, know that she wouldn't do that. But out of the crimes I've committed there a 40 percent change I'll go to Stillwater." I explain looking at the sky.

Jinx shrugs "I'll miss ya sweet cheeks, I promise to stay single for you" she winks playfully.

"Sil-?" "She is out of the picture" Jinx interrupts me.

I look down at my feet, I feel like Jinx wants to tell me something but she just walks away.

throws my gun at a tree, groaning.

I wonder if, they'll be upset.

-A hour later me and my group are in my cabin-

"I have called you guys here to tell you that, you are free" I say sitting at the end of my bed. They look at me confused "We know we are free, I mean we are humans too sweetie" Sparky says huffing.

"No- I mean.. you don't follow me anymore, you are free to make your own choices. I'll be meeting with Caitlyn-!" "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN?!" Ash yells.

"BOSS THATS NOT FAIR" gear also yells, "I THOUGHT YOU SAID WE STICK TOGETHER" Nina also yells.


The monsters came back and everyone's faces changed.. sparky looked like Mel Ash looked like Vi, Nina and Gear looked like Cailtyn and Vander..

"Stop" I whisper as everything gets loud.

"SHUT UP" I yell loudly. They all look at me shocked, I was one to yell playfully but when it comes to being serious it was another story.

I have my hands on my forehead from all the glitching and bright colors.

"Boss-?" "Get out" I simply say, heavily breathing. Most of them left except for Ash and Nina.

"Y/n we-!" "are you deaf? I SAID GET OUT NOW!" I yell looking up at her with shimmer running down from my eyes.

Nina looks down and gets out "Ash if I tell you again I'm going to put a bullet in your head, get out" ash hugs herself, walking out the door.

"I'm sorry Y/n" I hear her mumble from outside. She then walks way from the door.

Jinx runs in the door slamming it shut, "What happened, are you ok?" She asks, running over to me, kneeling and cupping my face.

She wipes my shimmer tears with her thumb and she rests her palm on my jawline.

"I'll put a bullet in their ass for this" "No jinx no need, whether they like it or not, I'll keep in touch with them, and if I manage not to get arrested....

I'll make sure you , silver , them, all of Zaun gets a fair and happy place like piltover." I explain wiping the rest of my tears.

Jinx lightly chuckles, "Even without your memories you still have a heart of gold" Jinx says smiling.

What was I like back then...?

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