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-Caitlyn's POV-

"GODDAMNIT" I bang both of my fists onto my desk crying and sniffling. I sigh with shakes breathes and all around me are maps and papers.

"Love, Why do you want me to chase you?" I say looking at the note, then looking at the map "No that can't be right" I say kneeling down connecting dots.

"Oia island? That's her next move?" I ask myself. My door opens "Well come in I guess" I say sarcastically.

"Thanks" I hear Vi responds walking behind me, "got anything?" I ask her standing back up "other then those notes that Y/n gave me no, I gave them to you so-." She crosses her arms.

I sigh, "I think I know where she is" Vi says, I look back at her "Hm?" "She may be at Oia island, that's her island to relax and lay down" Vi explains.

"That's where all the dots were connected to" I say to her letting her look at the map

Her eyes widened at the picture it made

"She's most likely going to Oia island, then to Zaydia" Vi explains, I look down at my ring fiddling with it

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"She's most likely going to Oia island, then to Zaydia" Vi explains, I look down at my ring fiddling with it.

"Come on" i direct walking out the door to my room "Pack your stuff" I instruct to Vi walking to my room, "Yes ma'am" Vi responds with a flirtatious tone.

I roll me eyes packing my stuff

What happened Y/n?

-Y/N's POV-

We arrived to a village that I used to grow up in, "we can't go to that village" Gear warns "I know, and we aren't" I respond walking to the woods.

"Where are we going?" Sparky whines "You'll see when you get there" I simply say walking on the path further.

We arrive the end of the path, "it's nice honestly" sparky comments and Nina snaps her arm.

I draw shapes onto the bark of the tallest tree with my finger and the village becomes more clear, "What kind of magic sorcerer is you?" Nina asks.

"It was a camouflage spell, I didn't cast it though" I explain, looking around. Everyone surround me staring at me.

"Long time no see?" I say looking at everyone in the village. They all hug me as my friends try to get them off.

"I missed you guys too" I say getting up, after backs up from me.

"Where have you been" one of the villagers asks "Here, there" I point to the direction of the blimp.

"Come Jinx and Sliver are waiting" the other villagers says pulling me.

I get to their cabin and I hear Silver and Jinx arguing. It sounded pretty bad.

I decide to go away and go to my cabin.

A few minutes later my door swings open "WELL SHIT" I jump a bit.

Jinx slams the door closing it. "Uhm hi? How are you?" I ask sarcastically and she jumps onto my bed near me.

She sighs looking at the ground, "What- what happened?" I asked Jinx. Jinx was hesitant to tell me.

"So, when I saw Silver, fighting.. Ekko.. she..
he- he kissed her and she let... him.." she says curled up.

"I'm sorry Jinx" I say hugging her. I lean back on my bed frame thinking.

"Y/n?" I hum in response, she puts puts her hands on my knees. My eyes brows furrow a bit.

Jinx looks at me with innocent eyes, it concerned me at the most.

"What are you doing- MHPH?!" Jinx smashes her lip into mine. I pull away quickly putting my hand on my mouth. I wasn't mad but I was-

Shocked at the most, I never really thought Jinx or Powder liked me in, that way.

"Come on Y/n" she cups my face, "Two girls, both broken by women, both has been betray-ed, multiple times" she says getting closer to my face.

"What do ya say sweet cheeks" she says almost tempting, I look at her with an unsure look. "Powder, you're amazing and you mean everything to me. But I can't betray my siste-!" I pause being interrupted by Powder.

"Silver has betrayed you so many times, she took your life away from you by force!, and you still stay loyal to her?!" She says backing away from me sitting down.

"Wait- what?" I look at her confused, I don't really have my memories back, I have bits and pieces, I'm really confused. I only remember, powder who is jinx, and a little bit of Cailtyn.

Not much of fat hands, I definitely remember Silver, vander amd Claggor.

It's like a piece was taken away from me. "You wanna know what she did? Huh?" Jinx gets close to my face. I don't know if I should but, maybe I should.

"I'll take ya to Doc, only if you give me a kiss" she says smirking. I gulp a bit as she tilts her head a bit.

I sigh a bit, I peck her lips a bit, she looks at me a bit surprised but at the same time pleased "Eh, I'll take it" she whispers a bit.

I hear someone getting close to the door, I push Jinx's shoulders back signaling her someone's coming. She back up near my bed post messing with her gun.

Nina and Gear walks in and quickly looks at Jinx automatically.

"So you and her?" Nina asks "Nah, just a friendly talk, right Y/n?" Jinx says looking back at me.

Everyone in the room looks at me, and I nod. "Mkay, Y/n we need to talk about, where we going next" Gear says looking at me and Jinx.

"Ah well it was nice seeing Mr.Sparkles, buh bye~" Jinx skips out the door and Gear slams the door behind her.

"Anyways, where are we going? Oo Zadia? Or maybe Kera island" Nina says sitting down.

"Uhm- I don't know, right now I don't know. I'll tell you later" I say putting my hand on my forehead.

"Go, outside make friends, please, I'll get you y'all in a sec" I say as my headache doesn't go away, this is irritating.

"You sure?" Nina asks getting closer "Go" I say automatically.

They both walk out closing the door lightly.

"The hell is going on" I say to myself looking up.

A/n: sorry for errors

Love you see you.

I may put this story on pause.


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