My Sisters

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A/N: I'll do a flash back in the next chapter, but in the meantime, i hope u like this Lovelies

-Jinx POV-

Me and Silver stand together I look at her and she looks at me. We smile at eachother "Ready?" I ask, she nods. I smile and we both light our flares, raising it higher so our sisters could see.

Her flare was a pretty white, mines was a powder ish blue. I hold her waist while holding the flare, she does the same while raising it higher.

The cries of Mylo echos through our heads but we ignore them.

30 minutes

Our flare gives out, we both throw our flare to the ground angry, I wrap my arms around silver and she hugs me back.

"Powder? Silver?" I turn around to see.. "Y/n?" Vi comes up the stairs behind her. "Vi?"

"Oh Silver" Y/N and Vi hugs both of us, we both cry into our older sister's shoulder. "I'm sorry i didn't come back for you, I got kidnapped, and Vi got arrested" Y/n explains.

"Marcus?" I question, "I don't know, as long as we are here" Vi says hugging us "Are you...real?" Silver asked they both backed away

"Yes, of course, it's me Vi, and Y/n, I'm here, we are right here" Vi says, "Big sis... things changed when you left.. We changed" silver says to Y/n.

"I know Silver, we know, you guys did what you could to survive" Y/n says hugging us again "As long as we are together" Vi says.

"Your still as warm as you used to" I say smiling at Y/n, she smiles and rubs my face, like she used to.

"You've grown big sis, physically" Silver says smiling "Yep still taller then you" Y/n says patting her head and Silver sucks her teeth "Your only 5'7" Silver says while crossing her arms.

"And you are 5'5" Vi says patting silver's head

(TO ALL MY SHORT QUEENS AND TALL QUEENZ OUT THERE, I love you 😘, and don't worry Y/n is only 5'7 for the story, Irl I'm 5'5 😜)

"That's average height" Silver complains, "Anyways, silver are you and Powder, ya know, Official" Y/n asks nudging Silver in her shoulder.

I sigh "Yeah maybe" silver rubs her neck, I hold her hand while smiling.

"Nope" Vi says "Wdym?" Y/n asks "She's like 18 nooo" Vi says and I roll my eyes.

"Vi we literally kissed when we were what? 17 or 16 years old, and we did some other thi-.." Vi covers Y/N's mouth.

"Yea didn't you grab her ass once-..." vi covers my mouth too "Shhhhhh" Vi shushes me. Silver giggles.

"Actually how about you and Vi huh?" Silver asks.

-Y/N's POV-

My heart dropped, I couldn't tell her about Caitlyn, I have to come up with something, "We are lovers for life" I wrap my arms around her neck.

"Play along" I whisper into her ear, she sighs and puts her hands on hips pulling me closer to her.

I can hear silver squeal "I'm so glad you guys made it official" Silver says excitedly, I huff.

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