Hear me out

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Imma be real with y'all-

I've lost inspiration for this story, especially that on the bridge chapter.

Idk what the hell that was but I'll edit it later.


This story is gonna be on pause.

I may create ANOTHER arcane story.

I would like for your guys to pick something's

Would you like to be in Zaun or piltover.

I may throw in myself in the story as well.

It's not gonna have a lot of dating like this one, like Y/n May not date Vi or Cailtyn.

She may flirt with them but not officially in a relationship.

She might just be chillin out ya know.

She may flirts with Mel, who knows.

But yea, I'll work on the first fanfic I made.

I'll try to upload more, my teacher has been stressing me out.

And school in general just sucks ass so.

See y'all when I updated

-Love Author

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