News Flash

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(Y/N's POV)

Well I left without telling anyone after that fight we had. Well I told Zeke but he had to fly the trouble makers somewhere else.

While I meet up with Cailtyn and Vi, to settle things.

I reach a near by village, "Lost Hun?" I hear a familiar voice ask "No thanks Nyx, But I was looking for you." I say turning around to meet her eyes.

(I know this character is a male but for this story he's gonna be female, very sorry)

(I know this character is a male but for this story he's gonna be female, very sorry)

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"Sure what's up" she says walking next to me.

"Can I stay with you, for 2 days.. please, if you need some money I can pay yo-!" "No no it's fine, I don't mind really, I don't get much visitors" she says as we walk to her Tavern.

We walk upstairs and she shows me my room, "I'm surprised you kept my shit" I say putting my bag down by my bed"

"Yea I knew you would get ur ass into some type of trouble, so- I saved it" she explains.

"You can come down and eat if you're  hungry, food and drinks are on me" she says walking out.

"Thanks" I mumble falling on the bed while sighing.

"So, You have 5 seconds to give me a good excuse on why you didn't say goodbye" I hear a cracky voice say.

I open my eyes and jinx is on top of me "oh- uhm, I- uh- forgot?" I didn't want you to follow me.

"Yeah, same way you forgot that you told Zeke" she says slightly glaring down at me.

She giggles while bitting her lip, "I'm willing to forgive you sweet cheeks" I look away from her.

"Oh come on, just a little kiss, pretty please" she says, she intertwines her fingers into mine.

She places a gentle kiss on my lips, we kiss for a little "ok that's enough for you" Jinx says getting off of me.

I sit up looking at her "Aww did Sweet cheeks want more? Sorry, I'm still mad at you" she coos while booping my nose.

"I'm kinda hungry, wanna eat?" She asks. I shrug my shoulders, "sure" I simply say. She pulls my arm and go downstairs.

"Hey Hey Nugget" Jinx says smiling and waving "Nyx" Nyx corrects Jinx.

"What's with the sudden rudeness" Jinx asks innocently "Oh I don't know maybe you started a bar fight in my underground club and blew the shit up!" Nyx raises her voice a bit.

"I told you I'm sorry, and I helped you build it back" Jinx argues back "Yea ya did but I almost got killed by Silco for not telling him about my new secret club!"

Everyone starts looking at us, "Can we argue later, we are getting un wanted attention" I whisper getting between them.

Nyx and Jinx looks at them "What?! You want to get a bullet in you next?!" Nyx pulls out her gun "Make sure to smile, it's called gun play" Jinx says holding onto pow pow.

They quickly go back to doing what they were doing before. "Hey Prancer can you run the tavern for me" Nyx calls out.

"Yea Yea sure" she quickly starts cleaning up.

"Come on" Nyx says walking out and turning to a alley way. We go down to a secret passageway.

As expected there were tight security. So when I stepped in they automatically tried to restrain me.

"It's fine she's with us" Nyx says as the body guards let me go. "Y'all must be virgins" i comment, Jinx pulls my arm.

Jinx snickers a bit "You can't say that to them" she says giggling. "Welcome to the Darkside" Nyx says opening a two heavy doors that lead to a whole room that looks like a strip club.

Everyone partying, blasting music, drugs, "Nyx aren't you married?" I ask "Nah it's a open relationship" she says going to the bar.

We sit down and Nyx walks off around to the other side of the bar. "So, This is the new and recently popular club. Well 2nd popular.. No one can beat that old club that you made" Nyx says looking at me.

"Listen we don't talk about that mkay?" I say looking at the Dj. I observe everyone around me. "Jinx you seem distracted" Nyx comments I look at Jinx and I see her staring at me.

"What?" I ask, "Oh nothing it's just, You being you. Being the Sexiest girl in the world" Jinx says eying me from head to my ass.

I look away. "Jinx.." I mumble, she hums in response, "Are you doing this cuz you want to get back at Silver for cheating" I ask.

She stares at me with a gentle look "I'm going to tell you the whole truth, me and silver did love eachother but.. not as much as I had love for you.. of course I couldn't say anything cuz.. you and my sister were close.. really close" Jinx explains twirling a drink with a straw.

"And I thought that if I let you go maybe my feelings for you would go but.. it still haunted me.. it's almost like I always needed you, when I heard you were alive I was so happy, I wanted to hold you and- maybe kiss you but.. I had already committed to Silver.. and I also loved her so I stayed loyal.. but.. of course she didn't stay loyal to me.. so I can finally be-!" I hug jinx close, "Don't say anymore" I say as she also hugs me.

"Do you- feel the same way?" She asks "When I grew up with you, I did catch a bit of feelings but.. I thought it was just sisterly love, and I don't know who I was in love with but I was in love with someone at the time.. I can't remember" I say trying to think.

"Don't think to much, you'll get wrinkles like Silco" Jinx teases.

"Whatever" I say rolling my eyes "Wanna try this drink?" Jinx asks "what is it?" I ask "Something that will help you let lose" she reply's handing me the drink.

I took a couple sips "OH- CHILD! Shit I-!" I cough and smoke comes out my mouth "The hell?!" I see the room turn different colors "Calm down, don't be so tense, you're gonna make the effects worse" Jinx tries to calm me down.

At this point, I don't care, I feel so stress free, and the weight on my shoulders feel like they have been lifted..

To be continued..

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