Progress day

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A/n: I've decided to make you guys apart of Caitlyn, our British mommy. Also the tatto that was on your thigh, I am gonna move it to your neck.

Also this is the tattoo you and Vi share:

Her's is on her torso and yours is on your neck

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Her's is on her torso and yours is on your neck.

-Y/N's POV-

I don't understand why it's called progress day, nothing progressed especially in the undercity,
I wish you guys were here with me. I feel hands covering my eyes "Guess who?" A lady coos in my ear "Caitlyn Kiramman" I say professionally.

"Come on love, Let loose" she says with her thick British accent, I huff while smirking. "Your one to talk, plus, I have to watch your mom's tent" she sighs and stands next to me.

"So how was your day love?" She asks looking around at the town "Good, Marcus walking on a fine line with my nerves" I say observing the town.

I hear her chuckle a little. I hear someone walk up behind me, I twist their arm and they wince in pain. "Serves you right, Jayce Tallis" I say smirking at him.

He hisses "Ow ow ow ow ow" I hear Cailtyn giggle, i look up to see Caitlyn's mother glaring at us, I scoff letting go of Jayce's hand turning back to the streets. "Still avoiding her huh?" Jayce asks me "No I'm just looking, protecting her" "Protecter" he says putting his hands on my shoulders.

"You don't need to protect everyone" "Your right, I don't, I want to" I say to him observing the streets.

"Why? He whispers in my ear "I-...I- made a promise...and I, I will keep it.." I say looking at the ground and back at the town.

He smirks at me and walk away. I look around "What's wrong love" Caitlyn puts her hand on my arm "I smell smoke like a explosion" i run down the stairs and Cailtyn follows behind me.

We sneak past the guard and look around the Blimp, I see a drawing the... she used to make "Silver she can't be" I say walking back a little looking around.

I groan putting my hand on my head, hear whisper and words all over "Love? Hey hey, easy easy love" Caitlyn says "shhh" she hugs me comforting me.

I breathe heavily, she puts her hands on my face and force me to look at her. Her face started changing, she looked like Powder then silver, then...Vi. A tear rolls down my cheek.

She wipes it with her handkerchief, I breathe normally and calm down "you ok now?" She whispers to me. I hum in response, we slowly stand up "What was that?" She asks.

"Nothing nothing" i wave her off, "You sure? You say it's nothing but it keeps happening" she puts her hand on my shoulder "If there's something wrong you can always tell me" she says making me look at her.

I put my hand on her face and caress her face, she melts into me hand rubbing her face into my hand holding it "I'm ok love" I kiss her, and smile.

I look down to see a trail of blood, we both open a hatch and see one of Silco's goons in there. "Oh Protecter" he reaches for me but I put my hand up stopping him. "Please protector, You have to help-.." he begs

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