My best version

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-Y/N's POV-

Im guessing it's been a hour or so, i woke up and I'm on singed's table, my mouth is muffled as I see him walk over to me.

"I promise you, this pains me Protector, but it's either I do this or you die, I can't let you die" Singed says having multiple viles of shimmer in 1 syringe.

My heart rate starts to sky rocket when he injects shimmer into my arm and in the side of my torso.

I groan and cry in pain, "I would say it gets better but, that would be a lie" singed says injecting more shimmer into me.

My screams get muffled into the gag on my mouth.

Sooner or later I blacked out for a bit.

I get awakened by a sharp pain in my head, my eyes shoot open and I get up, I get off the table trying to get up.

"Hey hey hey easy wild cat" Singed says sitting me back on the table. I take deep breathes as I look at my arms.

I see my veins pulse a little, soon after I calm down, my veins start to disappear into my arms.

"Who- who told you to do this?" I ask look up a bit "Your sister, she wants you to join her, her and Jinx blew up the council tower, but only the meeting room that's it" he says putting my hair into a low puffy ponytail.

I huff, I should be devastated but- for some reason I'm not. I start laughing instead, "I'm a proud big sister" I say turning to him giggling.

I giggle more while bitting my lip.

"When were you going to confront me about it?" I ask laying down on the table looking at him.

"You were connected with Vander too much" he says and I pout.

"Also before I disappear, Vander wanted me to tell you 'Bienvenido a la vida de un Padre'" I giggle darting a away quietly.

I think he called my name but I wasn't there so, oh well.

I wonder where my sister is , I jump from building to building going up to Piltover.

I see 2 girls on a building holding their wea-pons.

I shrug "I wonder who they are" I say quietly "BIG SIS" one of them yells they run to me hugging me.

"Silver?" I ask "GLITCH" Silver corrects me, "whatever" I say rolling my eyes "So Y/n-!" "Hazard" I correct Silver.

She huffs while lightly smirking "Touché" she says, "I'm bored, lets blow up shit-!" "YAY WHAT DO YA SAY HAZ-!" Silver gets excited but when she turns to me I'm gone.

"Awww" she whimpers "She's getting clothes" Jinx says smiling.

-a few minutes later-

-a few minutes later-

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