What are We?

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-Y/N's POV-

I play with the kids and they try to convince me to ride the hoverboard "Shy are we" I hear a familiar voice, "Lilac?" I turn around.

I hug her tightly "Lilac!" "How's it been short cake?" She ask while hugging me back "It's been weird.. Can I talk to you? In private?" I ask her while rubbing my arm "Sure, cmon" she motions me towards the tree.

She walks up the stairs that were on the tree, I follow behind her and we both sit on one of the tree branches. "So.. I don't know what I'm feeling.." I say rubbing my arm.

"Between you, that Enforcer, and Vi?" She asks leaning against the tree "How'd you know" I ask playfully, "The rings you guys have on" she says plainly.

"Also how'd you get those accessories on you?" Lilac asks

(So you know how Mel has accessories on her skin like her neck, her back, her thighs and arms, Y/n has that too, but a different design, Mel gave them to you when you were adopted)

"It was a gift, A wedding gift" I say looking down. "Looks hot on you" she says chuckling "Thanks" I huff while smiling. "To be real with you, I think you should talk to them separately and then talk to them all together" she says while looking down at the kids playing.

"You and Ekko a thing yet?" I ask in a teasing manner "Yep" "Momma!" A kid calls out to Lilac "Momma, Father and brother is looking for you" she says reaching for Lilac.

I sit there with wide eyes, lilac picks her up hugging her "Tell them I'll be down in a second, I have to talk to your Aunty Protecter" Lilac says while putting her down.

The little girl gasps while looking at me. I manage making a Calm face. "YOUR MY AUNTYY, OMG YOUR SOO PRETTY, ALL MY FRIENDS TALK ABOUT YOU, COULD YOU TEACH ME YOUR FIGHTING MOVES" she rushes to me, and I chuckle.

"Amaya, don't scare your aunt, you can ask her all the questions you want after we finish our conversation" Lilac says calmly.

"Awwww" i giggle "It's ok, I promise to hang out with you and your friends" she squeals and jumps down from the tree excited. "OOP-!"

"She get that from Ekko" lilac says and I laugh, "Thank you for the advice but, do you think they'll want to talk to eachother?" I ask looking up at her.

"I don't know, you'll never know until you try" she says and I huff "You sound like dad" I say and she rolls her eyes.

"I'm also gonna need an explanation, WHEN?!" I ask "Uhm we will save that story for another DAY" she says and runs down the stairs "WAIT A DAMN MINUTE" i runs after her.

"Imma whoop yo ass" I say out of breath , lilac picks me up "You only went half way down the tree" Lilac says while rolling her eyes "I'm sorry that I don't race down a whole damn mountain and back" I say out of breath.

She carries me to Vi and Ekko "You are pretty light for someone who wears a bunch of equipment" Lilac says, to be honest I'm half way sleepy "Hello? UH UH" she drops me.

"DA HELL" i hiss "This the 3rd time this week, and it's only Monday" I say trying to get up. I crack my back a little bit (pause) then Lilac helps me up.

"Imma kick yo ass" I say out of breathe "Love you to Big sis" lilac says smiling

I feel eyes on my and I look at Ekko and Vi "What?" I ask "She's your sister?" Vi says in shock.

"Same mom different dads" I say plainly "When were you gonna tell me this?" Ekko asks Lilac "When were you gonna ask?" She asks sarcastically.

"I can sorta see it" Ekko examines our faces.

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