Why her?!

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Hey lovely I'm back and my back hurts 🗿

(Y/N's POV)

We stand there for a minute. "C'mon" Jinx whispers as she pulls my arm and we run to a abandon-ed tree cabin.

I pant heavily, completely out of breath. "Now please explain, how and.. why I fell in love with her?" I ask.

"Who knows" we walk into a room, "but you're with me now" she grabs my waist and presses her lips onto mine.

We make out while she takes off my top. I giggle while laying down on the bed.

Jinx stares into my eyes with a soft facial expression. "You're so.. Hot" she mumbles while kissing my neck.

I bit my lip while holding onto Jinx's shoulder. "Jinx I want to do your hair" i mess with her braid.

She kisses my neck more "Porque" she look at me "Because yes" I smile at her.

I take out her hair as I sit her down and undo her braid while brushing her hair.

(Few hours later)

I look at Jinx and stare at her

"Jinx are you ok?" She snaps out of her trance and looks at me

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"Jinx are you ok?" She snaps out of her trance and looks at me..

"I'm fine"

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