Tea Party

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-Y/N's POV-

I feel warm brightness hit my skin a bit, I was still tired a little so I decided to rest my eyes "SILVER, POWDER,  LEAVE HER OUT OF THIS" i hear VI's voice say.

I shoot my eyes open looking at what's happening "Oooo look who's finally awake, the LIAR" Silver says looking at me with her silver metal eyes.

I try to speak but there is a mask on my face preventing me from talking, "Go ahead, Speak" Powder says taking the mask off my face.

"For starters, liar is a very strong word to call your older sister-!" I get muffled again but powder covering my mouth.

I look at my hands and arms, they seemed to be strapped down to the chair pretty heavy.

Powder moves her hand from my mouth "We are missing one more person" Powder says walking away.

Silver stares at me across the table "Ya know I'm ready to forgive you, BUT, you have to prove something to me" Silver says walking over to me.

"Silver what did you do?" Vi asks, me and silver look at Vi. "Don't be so concerned now, your only priority was powder right?" Silver asks giggling psychotically.

"What?" I ask looking at Silver "You should have heard the conversation between Powder and Vi" "You were there too?" Vi asks "OF COURSE I WAS, I'm the one who Hosted this, derrr" Silver says giggling more while hitting her lip.

"What was it, oh right" Silver clears her throat trying to mimic Vi "I have spent so many nights, hungry, freezing, the ONLY thing I could think of was getting back to you, powder" Silver says giggling afterwards.

My eyes widened looking at Vi "See the difference between you and my sister, She has never forgotten you, nor me, or even Jinx, but YOU" silver pauses pointing her gun at Vi.

"You have forgotten me, and silver, you have forgotten Y/n" Silver says in the verge of tears "THATS NOT TRUE SILVER I WOULD NEVER FORGET ANY OF YOU" "LIAR" Silver argues. 

"As for you big sis, show me how much you love me" Silver says as Powder pushes Caitlyn in a wheel chair into the table "SILVER LEAVE HER OUT OF THIS!" I yell.

"You wouldn't betray be again would you big sis" Silver says I'm her child voice.

I hear a man muffle, "Oh you're awake dad" Silver says skipping to him "Or should I call you a Traitor" she growls playing with his hair.

"Tell me, would you betray us" powder says taking of mask "GLITCH, JINX, I love you like my own, they have all betrayed us, my own niece, Vander, her" he motions toward me and Vi.

"They can burn, they can all burn, I only want what's best for you and you" he looks at both of them.

Silver and powder look up thinking. "You betrayed me and Y/n" Silver says in a cracky voice.

"Only to make Zaun a better place" Silco says staring knives into me. "Traitor" I whisper. Powder and Silver shoot their eyes to me. "You aren't going to betray me right? You wouldn't betray me and powder, not AGAIN" siñver says walking to me.

"I love you, only you, you are my sister, I will give you the world if i have to" I say as she grabs my face smiling. "Then.. make HER...go away.. please, and only then.. you can have powder and silver back" she looks at Caitlyn.

Caitlyn cries, "Y/n plea-!" "SHUT UP, she's thinking" Silver yells at Vi. I look at Caitlyn, "Silver I-.." Silver scoffs "Fine" Silver nods at Powder and Powder aims the gun at Caitlyn's head.

"WAIT WAIT POWDER, WE CAN ALL JUST GO" I yell panting a little, "We can just leave this place and never come back" I try to convince silver.

"Where- where would we go?" Silver stutters "No no no NO she's-!" "She's not sayin that" silver and powder points the gun at Mylo's doll.

"She's lying-!" Silver puts the mask on Silco. "SHUT IT" she says angrily. "We're not lying we can all just go, me you Y/n and powder" Vi says trying to get her restraints off.

"You 2 are the only family I have, I can't stand to lose you" I say with a hurt voice. "SHUT UP SHE'S TALKING" powder shoots Mylo's doll, that was way to close to me.

"What do ya say? How about we get these restraints off and we just run away" I say smiling at powder and silver.

Silver and powder calms down, "DROP THE GUN" Caitlyn yells holding silvers gun at powder, Goddamnit Caitlyn "WAIT WAIT, Caity please" I beg.

"DROP the gun!" She starts to pull the trigger, to get ready to shoot, "WAIT PLEASE" I beg "They are my sisters" "LOVE THEY ARE TOO FAR GONE" Caitlyn yells but Vi tries to convince her.

Silver raises her gun and Caitlyn shoots but misses "CAILTYN PLEASE WAIT" i struggle in my chair.

Silver covers herself and powder hugs her gasping in shock. Powder chuckles a little as she puts the gun down.

They both sniffle like scared children, but the sad face turned into a evil smirk.

Both of their eyes glowed purplish pink, powder grabs silver's gun out of Caitlyn's hand as Silver knocks Caitlyn out with the gun.

"CAITLYN" I call for her, silver some how gets next to me knocking me out.

What the hell-

A/n: ..........i don't know.....

I hope you enjoyed....

I'll edit errors later...

I hope you like the next chapter.

~love Caitlyn

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