Behind the Scenes

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So this a little behind the scenes moment.

(VI's POV)

"When do I get to kiss her" I ask turning around to a camera in my face.

I hear Jinx and Y/n laugh, I walk my gay ass over on the scene "MY TURN" i yell, jumping into Y/n.

(Y/N's POV)

"VI STAWP! You don't get kisses yet" I say giggle to her, she sucks her teeth and pouts a bit.

"How come Powder gets a kiss but I don't" she has a point.

"Alright let's resume tomorrow" the director says.

I give Vi a quick kiss, "now off" I say trying to get up, "Gimme one more" the camera man walks over and puts the camera so they can see me and Vi kiss.

"No" I mumble, we stare at eachother for a bit, I kiss her one more time and then she turns it into a make out.

We stop looking at eachother "is that good enough camera man?" Vi says looking over at the camera.

"Well shit! I guess im just a oversized pencil" Cailtyn says in a fake betrayal voice.

"Come here" I say reaching out for her, she walks over and kisses my forehead. Vi waits for a kiss but Cailtyn gets up and stretches.

Vi gets up standing in front of Cailtyn and I sit observing "Hey Vi" Cailtyn says smiling.

"Don't play stupid give me my kisses"  i says as Cailtyn wraps her arms around VI's neck looking at her. Vi wraps her arms around Cailtyn's waist.

"Stop playin" Vi says as Cailtyn giggles and gives her kisses. "Cailtyn I'm the favorite I'm supposed to be getting more kisses" i fake sniffle.

Cailtyn tries to come over "No" Vi restricts her, I suck my teeth and crawl over to Cailtyn and she give me a lot more kisses but Vi would steal her away.

"Ma'am that's my wife" I say snapping my nails together, Vi does her cat walk to me. I turn around and bend over and quickly come back up cat walking away.

Everyone laughs but Vi bites her lips and chases me "Ma'am kids are watching" I say waving at the camera still recoding us.

Vi kisses me more, the kisses my neck. "Alright let go I have to go try on a dress go pack your stuff" I say slapping her shoulder but she still kisses my neck.

"We will resume later babe" I say pushing her a bit. "I can help you" she says in a low tone. "NO I GOT IT" I say as she lets go and I walk to my room.

"I don't know" the director says as I turn around in the outfit, "I like it but it doesn't scream out to me" she says looking at me dress

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"I don't know" the director says as I turn around in the outfit, "I like it but it doesn't scream out to me" she says looking at me dress.

I go to change again

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