Old Memories, New Habits

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-Y/N's POV-

I think for a moment, and I huff "Well what's done is done, I'm not going back, especially not for Vi" I say getting out the shower drying myself off.

"Hey Boss so like do you mind if I use materials from your box-?" Nina cut herself looking at me.

"That's fine" I shrug, she stares at me eyeing my body, "You got 2 seconds to get out or I will pluck those eyeballs out ya face" I warn while putting my hair in a high ponytail.

"Sorry boss" Nina closes the door but then opens it again to say "You have a very nice body if I may say" she closes it again.

I don't know why but that made me smile. I stare at my dress and put it on

I walk down stairs and I see everyone in fancy outfits

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I walk down stairs and I see everyone in fancy outfits. "I'm guessing those are my clothes?" I ask walking up next to them.

"You have the best outfits" Ash says hugging herself, her outfit looked pretty cute.

To be quite honest our guy friends would love to go but they're over seas at the moment so they can't go.

"Alright" I walk near the door "Y'all better come on before I change my mind" I say walking out the door.

They follow me into the party, "Y/n?! I turn to see a gurl who looks almost like me, "Mel? I heard they exploded the meeting room, thought you were dead" I say hugging her.

"I heard that Glitch kidnapped you after the explosion, thought you were a goner" she says walking next to me, I huff walking to the balcony of the party.

I look back to see a person staring at us "Who's that?" I ask and she looks back "that's Jayce, remember, Jayce Tallis" she says and I hear the voices come back.

I see him walk closer to me, "Ahh Protector, where have you been?" He asks "I've been here and there" I say as he hugs me.

I hesitantly but my arms on his shoulders and he puts his hands on my waist. "It's been a long time hasn't it" he whispers in my ear and I pull away from the hug a bit.

"I guess it has" I respond while looking at the sunset, "Enjoy yourself Protector, we will announce your appearance shortly" Jayce says turning to Mel smiling and they both disappear into the party.

I look at the moon rise, it's.. pretty, "Come with me" I hear a woman say pulling my arm to a hallway, she slams my back in the wall and I hiss.

"Shit you guys still don't have respect for Zaun citizens" I say leaning on the wall for support so I don't fall.

I get a good look at the person and it's Vi, "Since you can't seem to remember-" "I can remember some things" I interrupt Vi, my eyes glow pink a bit.

Her hands slither onto my waist while kissing my neck, "I missed you so much" she whispers in between kisses.

"That's not what you said at the tea party" I say pushing her a bit "Y/n please listen-" "Why should I, I have new friends who hasn't forgotten me" I say panting.

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