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A/N: not me exposing my Lock Screen ^

-Y/N's POV-

We all look at the Undercity and it's state, I honestly wonder if this place will get better. I put my hood on and so does Vi.

We all walk out of the elevator and I hold Silver close, we walk past the brothel, the workers whistle at me and I wink back. They giggle and I feel Vi pulling my arm and whispers "You need to cut that out" "It's not my fault they think I'm hot" i whisper back, she scoffs.

we finally make it to Last Drop. We go straight to the chill area without making any eye contact with anyone.

I sit on the couch cleaning the cuts on me. Vi wipes the cuts on my face, "Thanks" "So you do know how to thank someone" she says while snickering "You're one to talk" I say while rolling my eyes.

We both lay back on the couch and Vi sighs while rubbing her forehead "Vander learns nothing of this" she reminds them

"Powder took care of that" Mylo says sarcastically "They're much bigger than me, it isn't fair" Powder says while pouting "Then stick with us, I mean silver did and kicked ass without getting a scratch on her, you can at least take a punch or 2" he says slumping back

Mylo may have a point but there are things you shouldn't say. That was definitely one of them, Vander barges in "Everyone A'right" "Never better" Mylo says laying back. "Good, so you wouldn't know, why I is hearin about an explosion and a foot chase on topside" he continues while walking over to me "6 kids fleeing the seen" he sighs and shakes his head.

"What were you thinking" he asks and turns to me "I thought they could handle a real job" I say while slumping back " A real job" he raises his voice a little while raising his eyebrow "Do you know what could've happened to you eh? To her?" He points at silver "To them" I look down.

(I may change up the words, my Amazon and Netflix actin brand new 🙄)

"Where did you even get this "Tip" anyway" He asked both everyone and Vi, powder answered "Y/n" she whispered. He looked at me and I looked down "Benzo's shop" I can feel him stare at me more demanding a better answer "Little man" I say quietly.

"I may have brought them there but you said if we wanted to chase after something then do so" I say standing up to him "I ALSO said Northside is OFF limits" "But why" Vi stands up "They have plenty to spare and we are just here scraping together coins."vi says furiously

"When did you feel so comfortable living in someone else's shadow" she says, I know it slipped out but it was still a low blow, even for me.

"Everyone out" he stares at Vi, I walk out "Not you" he says, me knowing he is talking to me I stay by the stairs.

"Sit down" "We're fine-!" "SIT down" he says a second time we both sit down together on the couch he sits directly in front of me.

"You know those kids look up to you" Vander looks at me "I know" I whisper "Yea you know but you don't know, when people look up to you, you don't get to be selfish" he lectures me "She's not-" Vi says but gets interrupted "You say run they run, You say swim they dive in, YOU tell them to light a fire? They show up with oil" he looks at both of us "But whatever happens..

"It's on You" he looks at me specifically "why did I have the name of the Protecter, aren't you the Protecter" I say crossing my arms "Cuz you have a beautiful soul, you care for others, you protect those around you." He says putting his hand on my knee.

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