Introducing: Andrea Baggins

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A/N: Hi guys!

This is my first fanfiction that I'm writing in English. So I apologise in advance, there will be a few mistakes I didn't notice. If you see any, feel free to tell me. I'll definitely edit everything once I get a bit used to writing in English.

Enjoy reading^^

Andrea Baggins sat on the bench in front of her cousin's house, reading a book. With her back against the armrest and her feet propped up on the bench, she sat there tensely. Her eyes flew  over the pages eagerly. The sun warming her back, gave it all a peaceful atmosphere. Gandalf almost felt bad, for disturbing her.

"Good morning, Andrea", he greeted her. Startled of his sudden appearance she flinched. Blinking she looked up from her book. 

"Geez, Gandalf! You should know better, than to scare me like that", she scolded him. Amused, he gave her an apologetic smile. Sighing, Andy closed her book and sat up. "What do you mean? Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not? Because to be honest, I was having a good morning, until you decided, to pull me out of the depth of this book I'm reading. Now it a medium morning. "

Gandalf laughed. "Oh, Andrea. Always so melodramatic. You can go back to your book. I came to talk to your cousin. "

As soon as Gandalf said so, Andy opened her book again, not even waiting until he had finished speaking.

"Sorry to say, ol' man. He's not here", she said, without looking up. Gandalf looked down at her with a worried expression. Andy noticed he wasn't moving and looked back up at him. "Everything okay", she asked, friendlier than she was before.

"Where is Bilbo?" Gandalf asked.

"He left two days ago. I think he said something of wandering through the Shire for a few weeks. He missed being outside. However, I don't know were exactly. Do you want to leave a message for him?"

Gandalf shook his head. "No, there's no point in that. Until he is back, it is too late. "

Without a further word, he turned around and walked down the road he came. Andrea jumped up from the bench and ran after him as far as the fence around the garden would let her.

"Wait! Where are you going? ", she curious shouted after him. He stood still in his tracks. After a moment, he turned around to her.

"I see, a nosy little girl you are. Haven't changed a bit, since I saw you last", he chuckled. Andy stood a little taller.

"First of all, I'm not small. Not for Hobbit size, that is. Second, the last time you saw me, I was ten. That's ages ago! You really can't compare that. "

"No, I suppose not", Gandalf agreed with a little chuckle. "But there are traits you can never lay off. I'm going on an adventure", he explained, waiting for her respond. She smiled up at him.

"Great! Have fun", she exclaimed and walked back to the bench. Startled Gandalf watched her. That was not the reaction he expected. "You will have to tell me all about it, when you come by the next time. And don't take forever please." She picked up her book and walked to the door of Bag-End. She was light on her feet, like every Hobbit, with a little bounce in her step.  With a final smile and wave, she disappeared inside. Gandalf stood there for a few moments, not knowing, what he should think about her behaviour.

The Andrea he knew would have never turned down an adventure. She had changed, he hat do admit to himself. She shut herself away in the quiet life of a hobbit. Her thoughts, however, were far from the Shire. She wandered worlds and walked paths of mystery and wonder. Using the portal of a book. And Bilbo Baggins had always made sure she had enough to read.

Determined Gandalf went back to Bag-End and carved a symbol into the door. Andy, inside the house, was too engrossed with her book, to notice anything.

After Gandalf had finished, he quickly looked through a window. He had to admit, that he was a little worried about her and the upcomming meeting. But he was also looking forward to the adventure that lay ahead of them. With a smile, he left Bag-End again. He was sure: she would bring a lot of life and joy into the company of Thorin Oakenshield.

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