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Merry Christmas, y'all!

Andy awoke to screams.

It scared her.

She found herself having trouble with opening her eyes. Or moving in general.

"Andrea!", a voice cried next to her. She felt a hand hovering over her body. The next moment, the weird feeling of being dead disappeared, like a layer pulled off her. She could feel the air shifting from the movements right next to her face. She could smell the foul air filling the dark forest. She could hear them again.

With struggle her eyes fluttered for a moment before she managed to open them. Her eyes caught sight of the gloomy canopy of the forest surrounding them. Her vision swirled again, as she turned her head to her right. Her dwarves were fighting spiders. Again, Andy noticed that they had closed a circle around her, to protect her. She wanted to get up and help them, as suddenly someone stood next to her and grabbed her by the arm. Thorin pulled her from the spot she was lying, faster than she could react. A spider dropped to the ground, it's sting plucked into the dirt there, where she was a second earlier. With a swish of his sword, Thorin killed it.

"Are you alright?", he asked her. His eyes flickered over her body, looking for any new injuries. Never had Andy seen so many emotions in his eyes at the same time as in that moment. She was about to say something, as a spider appeared behind him.

"Watch out!", she called out. He was a little late. The spider jumped at Thorin and dropped dead the next moment, an arrow in its head. Shocked Andy stared at the peace of wood sticking out of its skull. More spiders dropped dead around them, arrows piercing their bodies.

"No", Andy muttered and stumbled backwards. "No, no, no." Thorin noticed her panic and gently grabbed her by the shoulders.

"Stay calm, Andrea. We' will be fine", he tried to calm her. She closed her eyes and tried to keep her breath steady. She had to keep it together. Those pointy eared bastards weren't allowed to see how strong the magic of their forest had affected her.

"Do not think I won't kill you, dwarf", a cold voice spoke, making Andy look up. Thorin stood before her, shielding her from the arrow pointing at his head. A tall elf stood before him, his piercing blue eyes filled with fury and disgust. His blond hair was held out of his face by braids. "It would be my pleasure. "

Andy could feel the anger rising in her dwarves. She was glad for it. The confrontation helped her snap out of it and gave her something to concentrate on. To keep herself connected to the present, she did something stupid. She snorted. That caught the attention of the elf, who stepped to the side, his bow still aimed at Thorin. As he caught sight of her, his eyes narrowed.

"A Hobbit?"

"Keen eyes of yours, elf", Andy replied and empathised his race. This made his mouth pull into a deprecating frown. He no longer gave her any attention and turned to his people.

"Lower your weapons", he ordered in Sindarin. Andy didn't listen, instead she spun around in shock as she heard Fili shout.

"Kili!", he cried out, as he noticed his brother missing. Andy didn't wait. She fell into a sprint and bypassed all the protesting elves. She ducked under a branch and slid up next to Kili.

"Throw me a dagger!", he called to the Elleth, not yet noticed herself next to him. Andy knew, she would do no such thing. So, she pulled hers instead and shoved them into his hands. Her own were to bruised to be able to use them properly. Only for a moment, Kili was stunned with by her sudden presence, the next he pushed forwards and attacked the spider. Mere second later it was dead. The Elleth spun around, her own dagger ready. Surprise showed on her face, as she saw it was already dealt with. Her eyes laid on Kili, who walked back to Andy, his eyes also fixed on her.

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