Singing songs

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«Hello Andrea», Bilbo greeted her. "It is so nice to see you."

"Bilbo Baggins, can it be?" Gandalf also came over and stared at the little Hobbit, stunned.

"Lady Fayeth, Mithrandir. Please, return to your seats. We have more orgent matters to discuss." Andy gave him an angry look.

"Listen here, Pixie,-" Elrond gave her an outranged look. "- this is my cousin. And I want to know, how he got here. And since I anyway don't give a crap about quite alot of things, I don't realy feel like talking about urgent matters to eigther of you. Now if you excuse me, I have urgent matter do discuss. With my cousin." Staring into each other's eyes, Elrond gave in. He knew when it was best not to anger a angry Hobbit. He turned his head over to Bilbo.

"Mister Baggins, we would feel honoured, if you would keep us company for a while at our table." Surprised Bilbo got up and walked around the table to stand next to his cousin. Andy gave him a big hug, her arms tight around his neck. Chuckling Bilbo hugged her back. "Come on Andy. Let's go and sit down. "

A servant brought over a new set of dished and a chair, placing him next to her. Together they sat down and ate in peace for a while. The dwarves were talking under each other again, Gandalf and Elrond making conversation again, and Andrea and Bilbo had their heads stuck together.

Thorin sat there, feeling rather awkward and alone. Glancing over to the Hobbits, he tried to find any resemblance in them. However, he could not really find any. Bilbo Baggins was a little smaller than his cousin was. He hat blond curls and was chubby. As they walked back, he saw, that he had big hairy feet. Andrea's were much smaller. Thinking about it, she was wearing shoes, today. That was rather odd. According to the knowledge Thorin collected about Hobbits, their feet were too big to walk comfortable in shoes. Yet, Andrea was wearing some. Bilbo was dressed neatness and correct, looking as always. Andrea on the other hand, walked around as she pleased. When the dwarves first met her, she was wearing a nightgown, for their journey, she was wearing a skirt with trousers on underneath, a shirt with a vest over it and a coat for when it was cold. She looked a lot like her cousin back then. However, it did not take long until her clothes started to bother her. She ripped the bottom of her skirt of, shortening it to short above her knees. She tied a belt around her waist, so she was able to carry one of her daggers around visible. – Where she hid the rest he did not no- She took a spare shirt she had and cut the sleeves of, then she shortened it in length – it now just covered her abdomen- . As of then, that was her favourite ware. And now she was wearing an evish dress. But with the taste of Andrea Baggins. He did not know that she had a corset with her. It toned her curves and was a good addition to the dress. She looked beautiful in it. Realising what he was thinking, he quickly looked away from the Hobbits, before anybody noticed him staring. He could feel his ears turn slightly red, as he tried to ignore his thoughts. Where did that come from? 

"Tell me, Bilbo, how did you end up here?" Andy asked her cousin and bit into an apple.

"I was wandering through the Sire, on the road to Brie and I crossed my path with a few Green-Elves. I travelled with them to the border of the Shire, and wanted to bare my farewell. They offered me, to escort me to Rivendell, noticing that I am fascinated by elves. And I just could not resist. "

Andy had to smile. His Took side seemed to have taken over for a while. That was good. A little adventure was always good.

"How long have you been here, then?"

"About three weeks, now", Bilbo answered, shoving some salad into his mouth.

"Ah, nice. That was... about then when I had to save Fili out if the flooded river." Bilbo chocked on his salad.

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