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Andy hummed to herself and, still with the open book in her hand, went to the kitchen to get something to eat. She was never much of a cook. Bilbo made sure there was enough food before he left so she didn't have to cook. It has happened before, that he left for a few days, and she almost starved, because she had to cook, bevor she could eat. Therefore, she let meals fall out. She still had at least a meal a day, but for a Hobbit, that was scandalous! He spent the next two days with spoiling her rotten.

Andy looked back and forth between an apple pie a neighbour brought by in the afternoon - Bilbo secretly asked a few Hobbits to come by every other day. Just to make sure she did eat. However, he wasn't as secretive about it as he thought. Of course, Andy knew about it! But she decided to play along, and act surprised every time, because the Hobbits always brought food with them. And she would be stupid, to say no to fresh backed/ cooked food. - And the jar of Bilbo's special almond cookies. He never shared them with her. He was always friendly and fun, until it came down to sharing his cookies. Then he was a beast.

However, he wasn't here, was he? Andy took the jar out of the shelf and made her way over to a comfortable looking couch. She dropped down onto the couch and opened the tin. Unfortunately, she only got to eat the first biscuit at her leisure. She was about to bite into the second one as someone knocked on the door. She stopped her hand right in front of her mouth and glared at the door. She decided to ignore it and took her bite. But whoever was there didn't plan to go away. They knocked a second time. Louder. With a frown, Andy got up and trudged to the door. With a flourish, she yanked the door open just as the dwarf was about to knock a third time.

"What?" Andy snapped annoyed. For a second, the dwarf blinked at her startled. As Andy looked at him waiting, he found his voice again. 

"Dwalin, at you service", he said and bowed. Confused Andy stared at him. Now he looked at her waiting. She leaned against the door and put her right hand to her hip.

"Sorry, Dude. I think you're at the wrong house", she stated. Dwalin just shook his head. Without waiting for permission, he shoved himself passed her and entered the house. She looked after him with narrowed eyebrows. "Rude", she muttered and closed the door.

"Which way, lass? Is it down here?", the dwarf asked. Andy just looked at him confused again.

"Is what were?"

"Supper", the man explained. "He said there would be food. Lots of it. "

Andy just scoffed. This girl irritated Dwalin. He did not know, what he should think of her.

"Yes, sure. The pantry is at the end of the hall to the left of the kitchen. Help yourself." She didn't need to say that twice. Dwalin trudged off, following her invitation. She went back to the couch, sat down again and continued reading her book. Heavy footsteps moved towards her. She did not look up. Dwalin cleared his throat. With a murderous glare, she finally looked up to him.

Why did everyone have to disturb her reading? Don't they know, how frustrating and annoying that is, to be interrupted repeatedly?

"Listen, say what you have to say, and then shut up and leave me alone. Disturb me once again while I'm reading, and I will behead you and make sure your girlfriend gets your head delivered on a silver plate", she growled.

"The stove is cold", he said grumpily. Andy nodded and looked back down to her book. "There's nothing cooked", he continued. Taking a deep breath, Andy slammed her book close and rose from the couch.

"Listen here, fella. I told you before, that you're at the wrong house. There is food. Be my guest and help yourself. But don't think I've prepared anything or will cook for you. If you want to eat something warm, cock it yourself. "

Before anyone could say anything else, there was another knock at the door. With a look of disbelief, Andy turned her head towards the door.

"That'll be the door", Dwalin stated grimly and stomped back to the kitchen.

"No shit", Andy muttered and went to open up. In front of her, there was a whitehaired Dwarf.

"Balin at your service", he said and bowed, just as the first unwanted guest did. Andy threw her arm up into the air.

"Oh joy. Another one. Well, guess I can't leave you standing outside, when grumpypants was allowed to come in. " Balin blinked at her. However, she did not see it, because she turned around and left him standing at the door, muttering under her breath. Balin stepped in and shut the door behind him gently. As he walked around the place, he laid eyes on Dwalin.

Andy was in her room, and packing a bag. When she heard a loud thud, she looked up in panic. Quickly she ran through the house and found Balin and Dwalin in the kitchen. Sliding she came to halt.

"What fell? Who died? Something broken? ", she asked.

"No, no. Everything is fine ", Balin calmed her down. "We just greeted each other. We are brothers, you know. "

Andrea understood. The greeting ritual of dwarves, especially siblings, is head butting. Her shoulders dropped, when she breathed a sigh of relief.

"You guys don't seem to have a lot between your ears. That thud was so loud; I could've heard it in town!" Dwalin stared her down. Well, he tried. But it didn't bother her at all. Balin just gave her a disapproving look, but did not say anything.

"What is that?" he asked, pointing to her hand. When she looked down, she noticed that she was still holding her bag. Before she could answer, there was another knock at the door. A little irritated, she looked back at the door. When she turned her head forward again, Balin and Dwalin were already busy looting the pile of supplies. There was another knock at the door.

"I'm coming!" she shouted annoyed and hurried to the front. As she laid her hand on the handle, she closed her eyes and breathed through deeply. 

Please no more dwarf, please no more dwarf, please no more dwarf...

She open her eyes again, and swung the door open. Luck was on her side. It wasn't a dwarf! 


There were two. 

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