Truth's out

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Thranduil didn't blink. Andy didn't dare to breathe. They stood there and stared at each other. Thorin stood between two guards, his eyes flickering between them. Legolas, standing not to far off, did the same.

"Seize her", the elven king ordered. The guard who had to carry Andy up to the throne room, grabbed her arms and twisted them onto her back. A pained hiss left Andy's mouth. Immediately Thorin stepped forwards, protesting loudly.

"Stop that, she's hurt!" The two guards grabbed him by his arms, tearing him back. Andy was the one to protest this time.

"Hey! Back off", she called and ripped herself free from the guard. Blondie stopped her from rushing to Thorin's side, holding his daggers against her throat. She stayed still but didn't try to hide the murderous glare she gave the guards.

"I would have thought you knew better, than to come back, Fayeth", Thranduil spoke once everyone was quiet again. Blondie turned pale, as his head turned to her with a jerk.

"The Lady Fayeth?", he asked voiceless and slightly retracted his dagger. His eyes couldn't get any wider. They were filled with horror and disbelieve. Andy's brows narrowed in confusion.

"Aye, that's me. Will you finally tell me, who you are?"

"Enough!", Thranduil barked. His cold eyes stared down at her with anger. "I should let you be killed on the spot", he hissed. Finally, Andy was able to place it. With horror she turned her head to Blondie. Then back to Thranduil.

"Oh Valars, I should have known", she muttered. How could she not have seen it before? The eyes, the hair, the attitude. She couldn't believe it took a threat for her to finally connect the dots.

"Now what?", Blondie snapped. She pressed her lips together.

"That you're his son. "

"Legolas", Thranduil spoke, his stern eyes still focused on Andy. "Bring our dwarven guest to the rest. I must deal with... this first. "

Repulsed by that, Andy slightly leaned away from him. That hurt. She wasn't a thing; she was a person. And she used to be important to him.

"I'm not leaving without her", Thorin spoke. Hearing his voice pulled Andy out of her thought. Quickly she glanced over to him, before tracking Thranduil's movements carefully.

"Fine, stay and watch her be killed. I care not.", Thranduil said and turned away from the shocked Thorin.

"What treason has a young Hobbit committed to the elven king, to be sentenced to death?", he asked loud. Andy shook her head frantically at him, showing him to shut up. Thranduil stopped in his steppes.

"How about breaking up a betrothal and leaving the king to die?" For a few moments Thorin was silent. He could not fit that accusation in the picture that he had of the Hobbit girl.

"Well, you're still alive", he muttered. Angrily Thranduil spun around, his face a grimace of fury.

"Oakenshield, please shut up", Andy spoke. She had her eyes squinted close and an annoyed sigh left her lips. Thorin threw her a scowl.

"I'm trying to help you", de defended himself.

"Please, don't. You don't know what we're talking about. "

"Then finally explain it!", Thorin demanded angrily.

"Your friend has kept a lot from you, I see", Thranduil mused at Thorin. "I almost feel bad for spilling her secrets."

"Oh please", Andy groaned. "Don't act as if you care. I know you're gloating over it. "

"Will someone finally explain this", Thorin said, getting clearly frustrated.

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