She's back!

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Andy threw the old, dirty cover back. Immediately, all the warmth she was able to store under the cover, was gone and cold air hit her face. Muttering about the cold, Andy sneaked off the boat and hid in a dark corner. The last Dwarf just left her sight, following Bard. After taking a deep breath, Andy transformed into a Human. With a groan she stretched her limbs, getting used to the new body. Her human form was the one, she hardly used throughout her life. All in all, a rather unknown form for her. With a jump Andy pulled herself onto the roof. She thought it was smarter, to follow them over the top. So, she could keep a closer eye on them and search ahead for danger. And they wouldn't see her. Though she came back for them, shew as still pissed at Thorin. And he should know that. It didn't take long, and a boy approached the group of wandering dwarves lead by the human.

"Da! Our house, it's being watched", the boy called out. Andy had no doubt, that that slimy unpleasant man Alfred was behind that. Bard put his hand on his son's shoulder to calm him down. Then he turned to the company.

"I have a plan. "

Andy almost laughed, as she saw, what his plan was. She stood guard, until the last dwarf was in the house, safe. Then she waited, until the spies left their post as well, after Bard didn't seem to leave the house anymore. She followed them a few houses on, making sure they weren't sneaking back or switching shift with someone else. Then she went back to Bards house. With light feet she dropped down from the roof, shifting back into a Hobbit. She then made herself comfortable under an open window, listening to the conversation inside.

"You took our money. Where are our weapons?", Thorin asked, grumpy as ever. Bard, who had enough of the dwarf already didn't give him an answer and walked back out the back again, to get the bag with weapons he had hidden there. A movement out of the corner of his eye caught is attention. A Hobbit sat crouched down, just around the corner and waved at him. Confused by this, he stepped closer. Only for her to motion him to stop and be quiet. Before he could ask, who she was, her eyes started glowing yellow. Finally, he recognized her – or rather what she supposedly was - and couldn't help but stare in astonishment. He believed her to be a tale and nothing more. She held her finger to her lips. He did as she asked and went back to his business. Before he entered his house again, he gave her another quick look, offering her to come inside. She just shook her head and held her finger to her lips again. The next moment, she disappeared, leaving Bard with more questions than answers. The dwarves where not satisfied with the weapons, to say the least. Bard had his troubles, calming them down again.

"You won't find better outside the city armoury. All iron forged weapons are held there under lock and key", he said, trying to get them settled with what he had to offer. The opposite happened, much to his dismay.

"Thorin, why not take what's offered and go?", the elderly polite dwarf said, making Bard breathe up relieved. "I've made do with less, and so have you. I say we leave now. "

"You're not going anywhere", Bard quickly interfered.

"What did you say?", the pugnacious dwarf with the tattooed head asked. Bard sighed inwardly. That dwarf wanted to fight with him, since their first encounter. And Bard was sure, that the dwarf had no problem in ripping his head from his shoulders, if he gave him a chance.

"There are spies watching the house and probably every dock and wharf in town. You must wait until nightfall." Before any of the dwarves could say anything else, he left his home and shut the door behind him. He wasn't quite sure, why he left, but something seemed off. He didn't really believe that the dwarves where heading for the Iron Hills, but he had no proof of the opposite. Something wasn't right, and he was going to find out what.

Andy watched Bard leave his home. She wanted to follow him to make sure, he didn't get the company into trouble, but couldn't. Then only a few moments later, she was sure, the dwarves would leave, heading to the armoury. And she was right. She felt a little sorry for young Bain, as the dwarves just stomped past him, ignoring the order of his father. She followed then again, praying they didn't get caught.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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