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Deep in thoughts, Andy set one foot in front of the other. They were heading for Rivendell. How could she not have linked that before? If she'd known that before, she would have never joined them on their journey. Gandalf must have known that. That is why he didn't say anything, that dammed snake!

"The valley of Imladris. Here lies the last homely house east of the sea", Gandalf spoke, pulling Andy back to reality. "In the Common tongue, it's known by another name."

"Welcome, my fellow fools, to Rivendell", Andy added in a sarcastic tone. "Here life the friendliest elves of Middle Earth, with great hospitality. Get ready for a lot of beautiful architecture, vegan dishes, green everywhere, guys who look like girls, a lot of water and fountains, beds for everyone and fireflies. "

Awe was written all over the dwarves faces. They would never admit it, but Rivendell was impressive. Even when it wasn't quite their favourite lifestyle. Thorin marched right up to Gandalf, anger written all over his face.

"This was your plan all along, to seek refuge with our enemy", he growled at the wizard. Andy snorted. He had no idea.

"You have no enemies here, Thorin Oakenshield", Gandalf replied. Full name. This was the point, where you stop arguing with a wizard. "The only ill-will to be found in this valley, is that which you bring upon yourself.»

"You think the elves will give our quest their blessing", Thorin snapped at Gandalf, not wanting to go down there. "They will try to stop us."

"Of course they will", Gandalf said, surprising Thorin, who had not expected that answer. "But we have questions that need to be answered. If we are to be successful, this will need to be handled with tact, and respect, and no small degree of charm. Which why you will leave the talking to me. And Andrea. "

Hearing her name Andrea looked up.

"I didn't do it!" , she spoke. Gandalf gave her a piqued look.

"We never said you did something, dear."

She gave them an innocent smile before asking, what they were talking about. "Hell, no!», she responded, as Gandalf repeated himself. Surprised by her harsh rejection, his eyebrows shot up.

"I don't see your problem."

"My problem is that elves are damn bastards that I learned not to trust an inch!", Andy explained. The dwarves exchanged glances. Andy sounded just like Thorin. And no one was more surprised than he was.

"But, Andy", Kili said hesitatingly. "You're injured."

Andy let out a sigh. "I know. That is why we don't have any other option. So, start moving your asses down there. I aint gonna heal up here. And if I pass out before I can get on Elrond's last nerve, I'm gonna suffocate you all with your pillows while you sleep. "

Entering the palace over the beautiful bridge, the dwarves couldn't help but look around in amazement. Even Thorin seemed to forget his grudge for a minute. Without a frown on his lips and a deep wrinkle in his forehead, he was looking better. Younger. And a lot more handsome. Andy let her eyes rest on him for a second longer, enjoying this rare sight of the most annoying dwarf in history.

As Thorin's eyes fell on Andy, she already looked away again. He could have sworn that she was looking at him, but it seemed he was wrong. Once again. He wondered why his mind kept playing tricks on him like that. Taking a closer look at her, he could see that her bandage started leaking through. The spot over her wound was already red. She was covered in dirt and black orc blood and a few strains of her long hair had been cut in battle. Even though she was hurt and tired, there was that sparkle in her brown eyes. One he was sure was not there before. As he noticed, that he was staring at her, he turned his eyes away again, looking ahead to the elf that came down some stairs, greeting Gandalf.

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