Late night talks

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"Our business in no concern of elves," Thorin grumbled. Gandalf had fetched him a few minutes ago, leading him to Lord Elrond. Thorin was not amused, as he saw Andrea standing next to Elrond, as they entered his study room. Balin who trot along with him and Gandalf, locked between them in concern. He hoped, that they didn't start fighting again.

"For goodness' sake, Thorin!" Gandalf spoke impatient. He did not like to be embarrassed in front of Lord Elrond like that. "Show him the map."

Andrea surprisingly still has not spoken one word or pull a face. She just stood next to Elrond, her hands behind her back, with an emotionless expression in her face.

"It is the legacy of my people," Thorin held against him, being stubborn as always. "It is mine to protect! As are its secrets."

"Save me from the stubbornness of dwarves!" Gandalf muttered annoyed. "Your pride will be your downfall," he now tried to persuade the king under the lonely mountain. "You stand here in the presence of one of the few in middle earth who can read that map. Show it to Lord Elrond!"

Elrond did not speak and waited patiently for Thorin to act. Andy did no longer possess that kind of patience.

"The earlier you show it to him, the earlier we can leave again," she spoke quietly. She did not what to appear rude in front of their host. But they all knew he would have nothing against them leaving. That seemed to convince Thorin, then he reached into his coat and pulled out the map, handing it to Elrond.

"Thorin, no," Balin tried to stop him. Thorin just shook him off and handed the peace of parchment to the elf. Andy gave him a reassuring nod.

Carefully Elrond opened the map. "Erebor," he spoke. "What is your interest in this map?" he asked them suspiciously.

Thorin wanted to come up with an answer, but Gandalf beat him to it. He did not trust Thorin to not screw this up, Andy realised, and her lips twitched.

"It's manly academic," Gandalf spoke. Thorin took the hint and quickly closed his mouth again. Not without giving Gandalf a side glance though. "As you know this sort of artefacts sometimes contains hidden text," Gandalf continued. Elrond did not answer and turned around. As soon as Elrond wasn't watching anymore, Gandalf quickly looked over to Thorin who gave him an understanding look.

"You still read ancient dwarfish, do you not?" the wizard asked Lord Elrond. Andy's eyebrows shot up. Elrond didn't answer and kept looking at the map. When he finally did speak up, he muttered. However, Gandalf was able to understand him.

"Moon runes," he repeated in surprise. "Of course. An easy thing to miss," he said but looked back to give Andrea a disapproval glare, as if it was her fault to have missed out on that detail. She gave him a mad glare in return, pressing her lips together slightly.

"In this case it is true. Moon runes can only be read by in the light of a moon of the same shape and season as the day on which they were written," Elrond spoke turning back around.

"Can you read them?" Thorin asked after a moment.

Leading onto the balcony, Elrond waves Andrea over.

"How come you have not explained it to them yet?" he whispered quietly. Thanks to the waterfall, the others couldn't hear him.

"Because I still have a cover to keep. And I didn't know, to be honest. "

"Can you still read it?" he asked.

"Of course, I can still read it! I might be old, but certainly not dumb. "

Elrond had no chance to respond to that, as the others catched up on them.

"These runes were written on a midsummer's eve by the light of a crescent moon nearly two hundred years ago. It would seem you were meant to come to Rivendell. Fate is with you, Thorin Oakenshield," Elrond spoke, lying the map on a table. Andy stood to the left of the elf, rolling her eyes.

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