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The rain didn't stop the next few days. And eventually, everyone was sick of it.

"Hey, Mister Gandalf," the dwarf named Dori called the wizard, riding ahead of him. "Can't you do something against this deluge?"

Andy's lips twitched. It was amusing to see, how the dwarves still didn't understand the purpose of Gandalf's existence.

"It is raining, Master Dwarf. And it will continue to rain until the rain is done. If you wished to change the weather of the world you should find yourself another wizard," Gandalf sassed, slightly annoyed.

"And? Are they?" Kili, riding up next to Gandalf, asked.

"They are five of us. The greatest of our order is Saruman the White. Then they are two blue wizards. You know, I have quite forgotten their names," Gandalf chuckled awkwardly.

"Well, if he can't even remember the four other wizards out of his thousands-of-years-old order, then we know how well he will remember is in a couple decades. ", Andy commented, leaning closer to Bifur and Bofur. They grinned, holding back a laugh. Luckily, Gandalf didn't hear them.

"And who is the fifth?" Fili asked curiously.

"Well, that would be Radagast the Brown," Gandalf answered with a smile. It was clear, which one of his fellow wizards he favored.

"Is he a great wizard? Or is he... more like you", Kili asked. Gandalf spun his head around, staring at the prince with an offended look. Andy couldn't hold it. Laughing tears, she almost fell of her stallion. After the incident with the river and a nearly drowned dwarf, he had found his way back to her.

"I think he is a very great wizard in his own way", Gandalf gave Radagast the credits he deserved, even though he did not like being called a disappointing wizard. "He's a gentil soul who prefers the company of animals to others. He keeps a watchful eye over the vast forest lands of the East. And a good thing too, for always evil will look to find a foot hole in this world. "

"He's a bit bonkers, but at least he accepts personal boundaries and doesn't throw house partys at places he is not at home", Andy added to the description of the wizard, as she rode past them with a laugh.

Fili turned to Gandalf, as he heard the wizard sigh. "She won't let go of that one", he pointed out. Gandalf nodded in agreement.

"I know."

Humming to herself again, Andy enjoyed the ride. But as she almost overtook Thorin at the front of the company, he snapped at her. Before they could break out into a bigger fight than they already had, Dwalin banned her to the end of the convoy. They went on for a couple more miles, before Thorin decided, they would stop for the night.

"We will camp here for the night", he called, snapping everyone out of their thoughts and conversations. "Fili, Kili, look after the ponies. Make sure you stay with them. Oin, Gloin, get a fire going."

"Right, you are", Gloin answered, gathering sticks with his brother.

Andy jumped of her horse and started to unload him. Knowing, that Thorin wouldn't have her do anything in camp, she decided to brush the ponies and her horse. After walking for days in this terrible weather, carrying stubborn dwarves in a bad mood, they all deserved a little love. And they seemed to like it. One of them tried to nibble on her skirt, looking for goodies.

"I've got none, sorry", Andy spoke to Misty, stroking her nuzzle. "And even if, Dwarven princess back there would kill me, if he finds out. Therefore, I'd rather not. " After she was done with the last pony, Andy walked back to camp. And it seemed, as if she came to the absolute wrong time.

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