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«Andy», a voice called the sleeping Hobbit. With a grumble Andy turned to the side, trying to ignore the dwarf shaking her shoulder. "Come on, Andy, uncle wants to leave. "

"Tell him, I'll catch up", she muttered.

"No, you're coming with us", a second voice spoke and someone pulled away her cover. Andy jolted up; her daggers pressed against the throats of two dwarves. Not having a hand free to rum her eyes, Andy tried blinking the sleepiness away.

"Would you mind...", Kili asked and pointed to the dagger at his throat. As an answer she glared at him.

"Next time you wake me up, make sure you have a good deal to offer for me to wake up." She put her daggers away again and stood up. The astonished brothers rubbed their necks.

"Noted", Fili muttered. Andy walked around the place with a bad mood, muttering under her breath. She packed all her things together and forcefully threw it over her shoulders. The dwarves were smart enough, to get out of her way, not wanting to be the one she snapped at. All except Dwalin, that was. As she called out to him, because he was in her way, he turned around and snapped back at her. Not expecting that, Andy only looked at him baffled. That gave him more fuel and he continued his rant until he backed her up against the wall. After that, she was quiet until they set off. Just before she mounted her pony, Beorn called her back. Curious about what he wanted Andy walked over to him.

"Are you ready, little beast?", he asked her. She just shrugged, not knowing the answer.

"I guess. Well, as long nothing goes wrong and we don't meet any Elves. "

The tall man nodded in understanding. "You must be careful after entering the forest, little beast. It is not the same as you remember it. "

"I know, big guy. I know. Darker, fouler and all that", Andy repeated his and Gandalf's words.

"That is not what I meant", Beorn shook his head and crouched down, to be on her eyelevel. Andy knew it was serious. A person as tall as him would never crouch down to a person as short as she was. They normally lift them up. So, this was really important to him. "The magic of the forest attacks your mind, not your body. I am aware, that you are strongminded, you must not remind me of that." She closed her mouth again and listened. "But the nightmares will come. And depending on how long you'll need to cross over, the nightmares will start to appear real. Illusions will hunt you while you're awake. Don't let them break you. Hold on to the things you know, and the thought of the people you love. "

Andy's mouth suddenly felt dry. That was no good news. She used to have nightmares. sometimes she still had them but not so often, since she travelled with the company. And if they worsened, she didn't know what she would do, while she was still dreaming. It could be screaming. But it could also be stabbing one of the dwarves to death, because they tried to wake her up.

"I'll keep it in mind, thank you", she spoke and nodded her head. Beorn mirrored that movement and stood up again.

"You should go. We'd better not keep your dwarves waiting. "

After everyone sat on top of their ponies, they moved out. As they passed through the gates, Andy turned around one last time. Beorn stood beneath the trees, keeping his eyes on them. As he saw her look back, he lifted his arm and waved. Andy waved back, a sad smile on her face. She enjoyed the few days they spent there. She had a great time bonding with Fili and Kili and felt better, that at least two knew her secrets.

They rode throughout the day. Against the evening, they started to feel it. Even though they were grateful, that they didn't have to walk, a whole day in the saddle wasn't very comfortable. Andy missed her Stallion she left behind in Rivendell. On there, she could sit how she wished and even lie down. That wasn't possible on the little Pony she was riding on now.

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