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Silence once again fell over the halls of the palace. The dwarves, in the dungeon deep looked around for anything, that could help them. They heard Thorin's angry monologue, Thranduil's enraged shouts, Andy's screams. And after that went silent, they started to worry. As Thorin got thrown into a cell, the company was quickly on their feet, gazing out behind the bars.

"Did he offer you a deal?", Balin asked from the cell next to Thorin's.

"He did", he answered, and started to run up and down his cell. "I told him Ish kakhfê ai'd dur rugnu [I spit upon your grave]! Him and all his kin!" He yelled full of anger. But his anger wasn't towards the king and his stupid demand and insults. It was towards Andrea Baggins. It burned hot under his skin and the betrayal stung deeper than he ever thought it could.

"Well, that's it then", Balin said in defeat, not seeing the state his king was in. "A deal was our only hope out. "

"Uncle?", Fili's voice echoed through the dungeon. "Where's Andy?"

A pang went through Thorin's chest. He didn't answer. Her figure appeared before his eyes again. As Thranduil revealed the truth, he knew, the elf was right. But he didn't see it, it didn't feel real. And then Thranduil attacked. And Andy reacted. The Hobbit would have been to short and weak, to stop the blades from piercing through him. An elf on the other hand...

Seeing it, hurt so much more, than hearing it. It was real. He saw, her body shift into another. She lied straight to their faces. So many times. And recalling those moments, time after time in his head, made Thorin feel even worse. She lied to the company, she lied to Fili and Kili. She lied to him. He should have known. He should have listened to his gut feeling. Instead, he trusted her. He came to admire her. He-

"Where is she?", Kili asked, his voice trembling with worry. Hearing Kili's worry, made Thorin feel sick. How was he supposed to tell them?

"Don't worry, lads", Dwalin answered instead, trying to lift their spirit. "Andy is a tough Hobbit. She will drive the King into madness and come down, to get us all out of here. "

A bitter taste spread on Thorin's tongue, his anger resurfacing. He doubted that.

"Now that I have rid you of those Dwarves, you are a free Protector once more, not bound to a meaningless small group of dwarves", Thranduil spoke, sounding very self-pleased. Andy slowly looked up in disbelieve. He sat on his throne, his legs crossed, a smile on his lips. "So, since you have free time again, I would like you to help my son and my guards to rid the forest of those spiders. "

"No", Andy said, her brows narrowed. Thranduil blinked. "I'm still going with the dwarves. They need my help. "

"They don't want your help anymore", Thranduil held against that, leaning forward on his throne. "See, they don't value the work you do. They're dwarves, they will never comprehend the measure of your sacrifice. I however, have fought beside you in many battles. I see the work you do. I can give you the protection of the mortals who only see a threat in you. "

A bitter taste filled Andy's mouth and she pulled a grimace, as if she'd bitten into a lemon.

"I don't need protection", Andy spoke. "Thranduil, I protect. That's my job."

He didn't seem pleased with her disagreeing with him. "Mortals are not worth protecting. They die anyway. But the Immortals, have something to lose in battle. That is the only way we can die and you know that. "

"Yes, and that's why, I will protect you", Andy agreed on that point. "But I will not stay put in one place, to protect one race and leave the rest to die!" Her voice got louder, similar to Thorin's not long ago.

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