Spill the beans

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With wide eyes she stared at the dwarf brothers. She didn't move. She didn't blink. She didn't breathe. Fili and Kili seemed to have the same problem, since their eyes started to tear up slowly. They all let each other go at the same time and rubbed their eyes with little groans. Andy also used the moment to catch her breath again, feeling slight faint.

"Alright boys. I guess it's time to clear some things up", she said and sat down.

"What do you mean? We know who you are", Kili said confused.

"No, you don't", Andy sighed. "This might sound crazy, but... well-", she had trouble finding the right way to explain it to them.

"You're the Guardian Angel", Fili said, trying to help her. Andy nodded.

"But-", Kili said slowly. "You're Andy. "

"Yes, I am. But... ah, dammit!", she spat out. The brothers stared at her, trying to work through her confession. Kili's eyes narrowed, trying to understand, how their friend could be the Guardian Angel, when she was with them the whole time.

"Lies", Fili said, ignoring the strong similarities between both of them. "You're not Andy. "

"I am. I can prove it! When we first met, I shut the door in front of your faces. As you asked, if "It's" cancelled, I shouted yes at you, to get rid of you again", Andy tried to convince him. He punched her across her face. Andy head jolted backwards, blood splashing from her lip. With a groan she pulled a grimace, turning back to the boys.

"Feel better now?", she hissed. Fili roared up in anger and wanted to jump at her. Kili held him back from doing so. Ignoring them both Andy wiped over her mouth, trying to get all the blood away. Fili stopped fighting against Kili and just shrugged him off.

"Who are you? Answer, now!", he ordered, his anger filled eyes fixed on her face.

Andy searched for something, that would seem truthful. As she couldn't answer immediately, Fili swung his fist at her once more.

"Answer the question. No more lies", he demanded, anger radiating from him. But under that anger, Andy knew he was being in denial. He didn't want it to be true. Because that would mean, she lied to him. She managed to duck under the swing and stepped a few feet away.

"Fili, please, stop", she pleaded. He took another swing for her head. Again, she dodged. This time, she gave him a little shove, to put more distance between them. As an arrow barley missed her head, she swirled around, looking at Kili with shock. He had another arrow ready, prepared to shoot.

"Don't touch my brother", he spoke with a calm voice.

"I wasn't...", Andy tried to explain. She got interrupted, as Fili crashed against her and threw her to the ground. He was atop of her, pressed her down and held one of his daggers against her throat.

"What sorcery is this? You sound and look somewhat like Andy, yet you're not her," he hissed. "Who are you? And where is she. What did you do to her?"

"Fili, please. I am Andy. It's easier if I show..."

"No!", Fili shouted to her face, making her go silent. "Andy would never keep something like this from us. Which means, you're lying. "

Andy tried to push Fili off, without hurting him. She managed to disbalance him, what made his hand swirl and brought the blade to brush over her skin, leaving a superficial cut. She grabbed his wrist and pushed his arm back, so it didn't cut deeper. Once again, she forgot, that she was not a Hobbit and pushed him with more force than she thought. With a surprised cry, Fili was forced off her and fell backwards. Shocked Andy scrambled herself up.

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