New friend and old cousin

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Andy opened her eyes. She stared up to a carefully chiselled roof.

"You're awake. Good", a voice on her right spoke. Surprised Andy flinched, her heart racing.

"Do that again and I will punch you in the face."

"No need for violence", the voice continued speaking, without any sound of offence. As Andy looked over, she could see the back of a tall elf with long, dark hair. The elf's long robes where white, a hairclip with an artfully created owl was pinned to his head. Andy recognised that Hairclip.

"You're a healer", she stated.

"Indeed, I am. And you are in my care. "

"What happened?", Andy asked, not knowing how she got here.

"You got wounded", came the answer of the elf. He grabes a morter ans started crunching the ingreediants he prepared moments before.

"No really?", Andy asked sarcastically. "How could I miss the five inch cut in my abdomen?"

"Indeed. A big mystery. In addition, the cut in your upper right arm and your bruised yaw." Andy could not tell if her sarcasm was wasted on him, or if he actually was being sarcastic ontop of her sarcasm. He turned around and walked over to her, without taking his eyes of the bowl in his hands. With a little spoon, he was stirring it around. Three times clockwise, pause, two time counterclockwise. Repeat.

"What's that?", Andy asked uneasy. It smelt weird.


Ah. That explained everything. Nowhere in the world medicine existed without smelling or tasting horrible.

"I don't want it."

"I don't care. You have to take it. "

Andy lifted an eyebrow.

"What's your name?", she then asked.

"My name is Ivasaar, third healer of Imraldis. Nice to make your acquaintance, Lady Fayeth."

"Please, don't call me that. I left that name behind a long time ago. My name is Andrea Baggins."

"Very well, Lady Baggins. Just let me treat your bruise and bandage your cuts, and you will be fit to leave the healing station. "

Andy slightly turned her head to the right, so Ivasaar could apply the ointment from the bowl.

"That seems a little early to me. Normally, healers want to keep you in bed for at least three days. How long have I already been here?"

"Oh, only a couple of hours. However, you forget you have enhanced healing abilities."

"Right", Andy confirmed a little hesitatingly. It was strange, having people around, who knew of her. She was not used to it anymore.

After Ivasaar adjusted the last bandage around her right arm, he let her stand up.

"Lord Elrond has asked for your presence. There is a feast prepared for you and your... travel companions." His speaking flow halted for a second, as he was looking for the right word to describe the dwarves.

"Why should I go? Elrond seems to be able to handle them well. "

Ivasaar laughed. Andy had to chuckle as well, because his laugh was contagious. She could feel herself warming up to this strange elf. He was direct, very pragamtic and charismatic. "Lord Elrond is indeed talented in overhearing insults and form of great hospitality , even though he dislikes is guests. Nevertheless, to be able to handle the dwarves -as you say-, you have to be able to act like them. Lord Elrond can and will not let himself into such behaviour. "

The Adventure of Andrea BagginsWhere stories live. Discover now