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"You what?," one of the trolls asks Kili. Spinning his sword, Kili repeated himself.

"I said; drop her. »

The three trolls snickered, as the one holding Andrea, tossed her and she went flying.

"Catch me! Catch me! Catch me! » Andrea shouted in a high-pitched voice. Kili's eyes widened when he saw her flying straight towards him. Immediately he dropped his sword and opened his arms. The air was knocked out of their lunges, as they collided. Kili's arms closed around Andrea, as they went to the ground. Through the hair that fell into Andrea's face she could see, how the rest of the company broke through the bushes and started attacking the trolls. A little shaky Andrea got back onto her feet and brushed her hair out of her face. Then she reached down and offered the moaning Kili a hand.

"Thanks for the catch," she grinned, pulling him back up on his feet. He gave her a pained smile back, holding his side.

"You have very pointy elbows", he stated.

"Or your just skinny and oversensitive," Andy replied, picking up his sword and handing it to him. "Now stop whining. We have three trolls to fight. "

Together they jumped into the fight around the fireplace, swinging their blades. It seemed like the company was handling that fight with ease. Unfortunately, the idiot troll - number two, perhaps? - suddenly blindly threw his hands around. Andy could have sworn, if he would have been looking what he was doing, he would have never caught her. Embarrassingly for her, he did. With an angry cry, she tried to tear herself out of his grip. But as soon as she had one arm loose, another troll -Andy supposed it was the cook- grabbed her arm and leg.
"Lay your weapons down, or we will tear her limbs off!," he shouted. Shocked, the dwarves turned around, seeing her angrily face the ground.

As she heard the clashing of a sword thrown to the ground, she looked up, startled. Thorin's dark gaze was lingering on her. One by one, the rest of the dwarves followed the example of their king. Some more willingly than others.

Shortly after, half of the dwarves and herself were tidily tied up in bags, thrown onto a pile. Except Andrea. The trolls had figured that she was too much trouble on the ground. So now, she was dangling of a branch.

The other half of the dwarves, were tied to against a thick branch and were roasting over the fire. The cook slowly turning the roast stick looked very pleased.

Andrea, slowly rotating in the air, tried to wiggle her way out of the bag once more. Growing tired, she let her limbs hang loose, huffing annoyed. Looking up, she saw Thorin eyes still laid on her. She knew, he was pissed at her. However, she did not see any regret of his actions in those mesmerising blue eyes of his. And that confused her. The two of them were not on a good term. Like, not at all! And yet... He could have let her die. Be done with it. A problem less on the journey. Andy had to admit, if she were in his position, it would have been quite tempting.

However, he didn't.

He saw, that she was in trouble and knew he could prevent it. Therefore, he laid down his weapon, knowing, that it could have terrible consequences.

And know, here they were.

Andy was pulled out of her thoughts, as she heard the trolls say something about dawn. Her head snapped around, looking to the horizon. Indeed. She could see the blue of the night turning lighter!

"Oi!"» she called out, gaining the attention of everybody. "Fella's, as much as I love seeing the dwarves humiliated and getting roasted - even though I would prefer it in verbal, and not over an actual burning fire- I have to warn you. You are doing a terrible mistake. "

The Adventure of Andrea BagginsWhere stories live. Discover now