Meeting Radagast

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"Andrea, it's good to see you in one peace", Gandalf smiled at her, putting his heavy hand on her shoulder. She just rolled her eyes, but couldn't hide the little smile forming on her lips.

"Let's get this bunch of wimps out of their prisons. Even though it's amusing to see them like this, it would be cruel, to leave them over the burning fire. "

Together they freed the dwarves. A very unamused Thorin made his way over to Gandalf. Gandalf was thankful, that Andy left him just a few moment ago, to help the dwarves put the fire out completely. Or this would have ended in another fight of theirs.

"Where did you go, if I may ask?," Thorin demanded to know.

"To look ahead", was the simple answer of Gandalf.

"What brought you back?"

"Looking behind", came the answer of Gandalf, smiling down at Thorin. "Nasty business. Still, there are all in one peace. "

"Not thanks to your burglar", Thorin huffed, his eyes shooting the Hobbit a dark gaze. Andy could feel it in her back and turned around. As she saw him starring at her, she stuck her tongue out, pulling a grimace.

"Andrea hat the nous to play for time", Gandalf defended his old friend, his brows narrowed at Thorin. "None of the rest of you thought of that."

Thorin turned away, for he knew that Gandalf was right. However, he would never admit that. This Hobbit was still a burden to them all, or so he thought. She was a liar, a fraud, a cheater, a wanna-be warrior and a sly, spoilt brat.

"Did you hear that, Princess?" Andy shouted from across the clearing, angering Thorin even further. "If you want to outsmart me, you're going to have to start using that brain of yours. Believe it or not, it's good for more than just ramming through physical and symbolical walls. "

«You almost killed us all! », Thorin roared in anger. "There is nothing smart about that. You were ready to sell all of our lives, just so you could get away. "

Andy rolled her eyes. "Grow up, sparkly crown. You're always focusing on the wrong things. "

"Like what?", he growled.

"Like the fact, that trolls came this far down south. They clearly don't handle sunlight so well, so, there's a cave somewhere, savvy?"

His face was priceless.

And so, not long after, they were looking for the troll cave. All they had to do is follow their nose.

"What's that stench?", Nori grimaced.

"That, dear Nori, is the smell of human leftovers", Andy explained.

"It's a troll hoard. Be careful what you touch", Gandalf warned. Only a few dwarves entered the cave. Andy snuck up behind Bifur.

"Remember the ruin of the house we camped last night? People used to live here", she whispered in a mysterious voice.

"Where have they gone?" Ori asked.

"Oh, they didn't go anywhere", Andy let out a dark chuckle, sending a chill over the two dwarves spines. "But the trolls came. And brought a huge appetite along." She left them standing outside and followed Gandalf inside the stinky opening in the rock. Gloin was digging a whole for the treasure chest they had found.

"If you really want to make sure, that nobody takes it, you should put a sign up. "

The dwarves looked at her as if she is mad. She just lifted a forearm skeleton -the hand was still attached thanks to a few strings of muscles- and veins that were still in place- and a piece of wood. Quickly, she pulled out a little knife and carved into the wood.

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