Entering Laketown

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Andy didn't just come around again. Once the first shock of Thorin's words had left her body, it was replaced with anger.

She had risked everything for them! She lost both of her covers, her home and almost her live more than once. As Andy Baggins, as the Protector and Guardian Angel!

The orc scout had no chance. Andy attacked him from behind, using the advantage of surprise. No sound left its mouth, as it died. It was a fast kill and left Andy unsatisfied. She needed to let off some steam, and there was nothing else around. With an angry growl she set off sprinting again. She found another two scouts; both were easy kills. The second one had a warg around. Now that Andy thought about it, it was weird that the other two didn't have one with them. But eighter way, the warg wasn't a problem. After Andy had killed its rider, it tried to be intimidating and growled in a low voice. Andy decided she was petty and did the same. Her eyes shone yellow, almost an angry orange. She growled back, her teeth bared, showing off her fangs. The warg was unsure of what to do, and hesitantly backed up a step. Before Andy could attack it, it suddenly howled up in pain, dropping dread the next moment. Three arrows stuck out of its body. One in the chest, one in the neck and one in the eye. Andy swirled around and swung her sword. Two elves ducked away to not get hit. As Andy recognised Tauriel and Legolas, she withdrew her blade.

"What are you two doing here?", she asked them.

"Following the orcs", came the answer from Legolas, who looked at her rather unpleased. Andy wrapped her sword around her waist and let out a scoff.

"Why?", she asked, almost mockingly. Legolas narrowed his eyes.

"Because we wish to stop them from bringing further harm to this world", Tauriel answered this time. Andy looked between then. With raised eyebrows she nodded, giving Legolas a doubting look.

"Great! You can turn around now. I'm back on my job, so go and live your long lives and whatsoever", she waved them off and marched on. The two didn't disappear and followed her instead.

"Why are you not with the dwarves?", Tauriel asked and caught up to her.

"Because they're a bunch of annoying Shortlings with a bunch of problems and mistrust for everything and everyone", Andy gave her answer, her voice bitter. She then stopped in her steps and took a deep breath. "They are stupid and stubborn, with hardly any sense of logic or diplomacy", she let out a sigh. "They'll get themselves killed", she realised and turned around, walking past Tauriel and Legolas.

"Where are you going?", the elf asked her confused.


"Why?", he asked, not understand her sudden change of mind.

"Because someone has to make sure, they don't get themselves killed before they reach the mountain", Andy turned around again, continuing walking backwards. "Thanks, you for the talk. Have fun hunting orcs. See you soon, probably. "

With a last salute she spun around again and set of in a sprint.

"Everyone to your feet!", Thorin ordered.

"We're exhausted, Thorin, and Kili needs a moment to regain strength", Fili tried to argue with his uncle. Thorin was not in the mood for any more discussions.

"There's an orc pack on our tail, we need to keep going", he urged them, looking back where they came from. And where Andrea left out of sight.

"Where?", Balin questioned, also sounding exhausted. "A lake lies between us and that mountain. We have no way across. "

Thorin frowned. Andrey was right. Balin did have to lighten up.

"So, we go around", Nori suggested.

"Orcs will run us down as sure as daylight", Dwalin dismissed that suggestion again. Thorin rolled his eyes. Dwalin too, he added to his previous thought. "With no weapons to defend ourselves...", Dwalin left his statement open.

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