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Beorn waited at the front door for her. As Andy got there, he stared down on her, not moving an inch. Andy did the same.

"Could you please move?", she asked. He grumbled as a response. After staring at her for a few moments longer, he turned around and walked inside. Andy followed.

"Your bleeding", Beorn grumbled into his beard. Surprised Andy looked down on herself and discovered her bloodstained sleeve. She was so occupied with stopping the boys from killing or exposing her, she forgot about that scratch.

"Indeed, seems like it", she muttered and pulled the sleeve back to inspect the damage.

"Did I hear blood?" Oin suddenly stood next to her. With a squeal Andy jumped to the side.

"Durin's beard, don't you ever do that again!", she shouted at him, waving around with her arms. The other dwarves rushed inside, to see what happened. They relaxed again, as they saw it was just Andy having a rant. Ori next to her, looked at her plainly.

"You have to speak up, Lassie. I don't hear so well." Speechless Andy stared at him. After a moment she threw her arms up.

"No, no, no. I don't even wonder anymore. You're as deaf as a dead man, but pick up the word blood from ten miles away, the same way a bloodhound smells it! "

Still snickering the dwarves made their way to their beads. Thorin closed the front door, after counting the heads of everyone present, making sure no one was missing. Andy wasn't able to pout for too long, thinking it was too funny herself. Oin cleaned up her wound nicely, binding it with a cloth. With a gentle pat on her back he dismissed her. She swung herself of the chair and got her shirt on again before joining the company at the back.

"How did that happen?", Bifur asked curiously, smoking his pipe. Fili and Kili, already lying on the floor, immediately sat up. Andy saw their worried looks and smirked a little.

"As I noticed that the boys were following me, I hid and pretended to be someone else. At one point I jumped down from a tree, crying like an Orc. Kili's fingers slipped of his bow. "

While Kili gave her a pointed look, Fili smirked behind his back.

"Aye, you should have seen it", he shouted, a wide grin on his face, taking the opportunity to make fun of his younger brother. "He squealed like a kid. "

Kili punched his shoulder, trying to make him shut up. The other three snickered amused.

"You're the right one to speak! You tripped over a root, trying to back away. ", Kili came up with something else, to make his brother look equally bad.

Fili's laugh immediately stopped and he hit his brother back. "But I didn't hurt Andy", he shot back.

"I didn't try to run", Kili smacked back. With a playful cry Fili threw himself over his brother and pinned him to the ground.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!", Nori started to cheer.

"Here we go", Balin muttered, an amused smile on his face.

"Don't encourage them", the grumpy Dwalin called out, already laid down, facing the wall and ignoring everything around him.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!", they continued. Andy laughed along until the brothers came to close to her and she had to jump aside to not get rolled over.

"Incoming", she called, as the brothers headed for Ori and Nori. Both quickly jumped aside, lifting all the fragile stuff out of the way, before the brothers could break it.

"Is that all you've got?", Kili asked his brother as he managed to throw him over his shoulder. Fili, who managed to get a hold on the back if Kili's shirt, landed on his feet and flipped Kili over his shoulder as well. With a lout thump, the younger one landed on his back. Kili let out a groan and slowly turned on his side.

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