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«Tell Legolas, I wish to speak to him", Andy commanded the guard, who brought her her meal. It was the third day, she did that and up until now, Legolas still hadn't shown up. The guard didn't answer and left again. With a scoff, Andy slid down to the ground. She took a bite from the bread and smiled. She loved bread from the elven bakeries. They were the best. It tasted like Lembas, but didn't have the effect of filling after a bite.

A few times she had heard Fili and Kili and some of the others call for her. She didn't answer them. It was better for all of them. If Thorin hadn't told them already, she was definitely not going to spill her secrets over echoes. That day again, Legolas didn't show up. The next day, the red-head surprised Andy.

"What are you doing here?", Andy asked her confused.

"Bringing you food.", came the answer. The Elleth reached between the bars and held out the bread. With a shrug, Andy took it and waited for her to disappear. She didn't.

"What?", Andy asked annoyed.

"Is it true, that you are the Protector?", the Elleth asked. Instead of answering, Andy shifted into her elf form. Her eyes widened in awe.

"Milady", she hushed and bowed. "It is an honor, to meet you. "

Andy shook it off. "No need for that, ...?"

"Tauriel", the Elleth introduced herself. "Captain of the kings guard. "

Andy nodded, a plan forming in her head. "Hey, do you think, you could do something for me?"

For a moment, Tauriel hesitated, then she stepped closer.

"I need to get out of here. "

Tauriel pulled away immediately, a rejection ready. Andy grabbed her arm and pulled her back. "Listen. I'm not asking you to free me, alright? I need Legolas to come down. I need to talk to him. Can you please arrange that?" Tauriel's eyes flickered back and forth. Then she pulled her arm out if Andy's grasp and left, without an answer. Frustrated, Andy banged her fist against the wall. To her surprise, not long after Legolas appeared in front of her cell.

"There you are", Andy greeted, not showing that it rather surprised her that he came. "I would ask you in but... you know. "

"What do you want?", he snapped and shifted his weight onto one leg. Andy lifted her eyebrows.

"Talk, obviously. " Casually she strolled closer to the bars. "See, I kind of have a deadline I need to keep. And I can't do that from in here. "

"How does that concern me?", he asked coldly.

"Well, if you want to bring your father your mothers' gems, you'll have to let me out." Legolas' head shot around.

"Why would a traitor like you do something like that?", he hissed, not believing her. Faster than he could react, Andy grabbed him by his collar and pulled him in, his body smacking against the bars. Surprised he looked at her again, and froze. Before him stood the Protector. Her eyes were glowing, her teeth bared, showing off her fangs. Though she was still shorter than him, she lifted him off is feet.

"Listen here, princeling. Despite what your father said, I never planned on letting your grandfather get killed. I would never!" She shook him. "I left, so your parents could be happy. I know, how much those gems mean. I know the felony the dwarves did, keeping them for themselves. In returning them, I hope for the realms to have peace once more, stopping the bickering and fighting so I can concentrate on other things, than sorting out stuff like that. Got it?"

Legolas' face was unfazed. He looked down on her, not answering. Andy realized what she was doing and gently put him down on his feet again, before letting go of him.

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