Rough day

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Troubled Gandalf made his way to a rock and watched as Radagast laughed like a mad man, leading the wargs and orcs astray. Andy climbed up next to him, also looking.

"Naah. He's fine", she said and jumped back down. "But if you don't lead us on right now, we won't be. »

Gandalf did not wait a heartbeat before he took off. "Follow me. Come on!"

One after one they set off running after the wizard. It did not take long, and Andy was at the back of the company, cursing her short legs. Even though the dwarves could not keep up with Gandalf, she could not even keep up with them!

Still cursing under her breath Andy finally caught up with the dwarves and the wizard, hiding behind a rock. As soon as she reached them, they started running off again.

"You got to be kidding me!" Picking up the pace again, she followed them. They had to turn around a few times and stop middle in their tracks. Radagast was doing a great job keeping the wargs occupied, but he seemed to have forgotten, that he should be drawing them off. Instead, he was leading them in circles, closing in in the company.

One time, they came to halt behind a rock, because Radagast was suddenly ahead of them, Wargs hot on his tail.

"Ori, no"; Thorin called and pulled the young dwarf back, as he almost ran past them. They turned around and ran in the other direction again.

"Damn you, feathers", Andy spoke. "Having so much fun without me that you forgot that one job you had!"

Catching their breath behind another rock, they heard a Warg atop of it, growling and smelling. The company froze in place and pressed themselves closer to the rock, hoping not to be discovered. On tiptoes, Andy left the shadow of the rock, wanting to get sight of the Warg. Noticing that, Thorin's eyes widened and he tried to pull her back without gaining any attention of the Warg and its rider.

"Baggins!", he whispered through his teeth, his jay clenching. "Get back here!"

Andy did not listen and stretched her neck a little further, to get a better view. She had not seen a Warg up close since almost three hundred years. Did they still look the same? Did they grow more intelligent? Do they still have fur? Or do they have feathers now? Maybe scales! Was their skull still so weak that you could stab them with a toothpick?

Andrea needed answers. In addition, she had no problem with getting them.

Her eyes needed a second to adjust to the light shining into her face. Blinking a few times her vision became sharp again and Andy could see the Warg and the Rider, both looking the other way. What she saw disappointed her a little.

Furry, big ugly Warg with a nasty, deformed, grey, poorly haired, dim orc. With a sigh, Andy shook her head. Immediately, all the dwarves shushed her at the same time.

Thirteen shushes are not something, you can overhear. Not even as a stupid orc and an incapable Warg. It is just not possible.

The head of the Warg spun around and his eyes fixated on Andy. Rolling her eyes, she threw her hands up.

"Great job guys. You can guess three times, whose attention you just caught. "

With horror in his eyes, Fili dashed forwards, wanting to push her out of the way of the Warg. The beast had leapt at her, ready to dig his claws into her flesh. Fili knew, he was not as fast as the Warg, but he still wanted to try to help her.

Andy's eyes flickered towards him and her little grin disappeared. Holding up her hand, she motioned him to stop. "Fili, no!" she shouted. Then the Warg hit her and threw her to the ground. Kili finally jumped into action and shot an arrow. However, the beast was already dead. It landed on Andy and did not move anymore. The orc on top fell off and let out a surprised howl. Fili swung his sword and beheaded it. However, it was too late. The other Wargs heard him and stopped in their hunt. For the moment, the dwarves did not care about it. They rushed forward to Fili and together they lifted the dead Warg. Andy wiggled her way out from underneath, blood and dirt all over her.

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