03 || ferrari red

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❤️‍🔥👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻🏎💌 — until i found you

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❤️‍🔥👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻🏎💌 — until i found you

if there was one thing that charles leclerc loved about ruby shelby, it would be her approachable and friendly persona.

but the one thing that could top that was her in her work uniform. the way that the tight ferrari top hugged at her body, enhancing all of her natural curves and putting some of her best features on show for others in paddock; which did cause charles to occasionally get jealous but there was nothing he could do about it. and that skirt. that pencil skirt would be the death of him, for sure. the way it stopped just below the curve of her bum, leaving the rest to his imagination or until they got home or back to the hotel after a day at the circuit. it was very rare that the ferrari communications liaison wore her skirt, typically opting for her trousers but since it was in fact the first race of the season and it was boiling hot in bahrain, she figured that her skirt was the best option.

"my love, you know how I feel about your skirt." charles mumbled quietly so that his girlfriend was the only one who'd be able to hear what he was saying, a smile on his face as he pleased all of the cameras around him.

"why do you think I wore it?" she peered over at him, a slight smirk resting on her face as she nudged his arm before trying to play it off as an accident. "i'm giving you that extra bit of luck."

"you're going to the the death of me." he shook his head as a chuckle left his mouth and to the naked eye, it seemed as though two friends were simply making a joke and having a little laugh.

"i'll be sure to say a few words at your funeral then." ruby commented sarcastically, earning a louder laugh from him, catching the attention of a few others in the paddock.

the pair were well known, charles more than her for obvious reasons, around the formula one paddock but they were also very well liked due to their bubbly personalities and engaging dynamic. you could ask anybody at a race weekend if they disliked ruby or charles and not one person would say no, apart from lando but he just loved to be sarcastic at any chance he could get, a characteristic that he had developed over the course of his relationship with his mancunian girlfriend, april.

her ferrari red lips forming a warm smile as they walked through the paddock at a sensible distance, greeting those that she was friends with with a verbal gesture. the red lip classic thing that he liked as he always told her that it reminded him of ferrari and a tight little skirt to top it all off. she was his idea of what heaven looked like and she looked like a daydream every minute of everyday and he could never get enough of her.

"what do we have to do today?" charles asked, realising that he had no idea what the plans were for his day before doing the actual race.

"you only have one interview before the race, its with natalie pinkham." the blonde told him after a moment, checking on her phone before telling him something that she may have gotten wrong. "but it's not a formal one, it's just a chat about the season."

"that's fine, i like natalie. anything else for me?"

"apart from the obvious ones after the race, you're free to do what you please." she looked up at him, noticing the smirk that rested on his face making her playfully roll her eyes at him. "and don't you dare say what i think you are."

"what?" the ferrari driver let out a laugh as he shrugged his shoulders, catching the attention of a few cameras before they diverted their attention onto pierre gasly who was making his way through the paddock. "my love, you look too good, i can't help it."

"you are like a teenage boy, charles leclerc." the young shelby chuckled at his inappropriate thoughts. "if it helps, i'll come and sit with you in your room."

"and do what?"

"we could watch sidemen." she suggested innocently, her getting the monegasque into the youtube group and ever since she did, they had been obsessed with binge watching all of their videos; charles occasionally needing his girlfriend to explain some of the jokes that were made. "and i guess i could give you a little cuddle."

"will a kiss be included in that service?"

"of course there will, i hope you have makeup wipes in there."

"i'm not wiping your lipstick off my lips." charles shook his head, earning a tut of his press officer as she rolled her eyes once again. the pair of them instantly knowing how charles would look after their little make out session as this wouldn't be the first it had happened. "i need to let people know that i'm not a single man."

"do that and i'll be fired quicker than you can even say ferrari." ruby warned him and now it was charles' turn to roll his eyes, if he got the opportunity to change the rule of employees dating one another, he would change it in a heartbeat. "i'm not sure if you've noticed but i'm the only wear that wears red lipstick other than sylvie."

"that's because nobody can pull it off the same way you can."

"always a flirt."

"only for you, my love." the monegasque whispered, the pet name being his favourite for her by a long mile as it signified that his heart was hers only and there was nothing more sweeter than that.

until i found you - charles leclerc Where stories live. Discover now