16 || i miss you

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❤️‍🔥👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻🏎💌 — until i found you

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❤️‍🔥👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻🏎💌 — until i found you

Australia had to be one of the best races that Ruby had ever attended in her career, simply because of the fact that her boyfriend was on the top step of the podium, a beaming smile resting on his face as he kept his gaze on the love of his life, who was humming along to both the Monegasque and Italian national anthems. But I guess what made it even better for the pair of them was that his win was after Sylvie telling the blonde that their relationship would distract him from racing to the best of his ability; this only being one of the many times where they could prove that statement completely and utterly wrong. Spa, Monza, sixteen podiums and so much more, need I say anymore?

But just like nearly every company in the world, involved in formula one or not, Ferrari happily granted their employees with days off and if there was one weekend in a race calendar that Ruby was thankful to get off, it was the Emilia Romagna Grand Prix. What is usually a hectic and chaotic race weekend in any part of the world is amplified by a thousand whenever in Italy, especially since it's one of Ferrari's home races. Although parts of her felt guilty for leaving the team in a bundle of chaos, that feeling was certainly overpowered by her bed and the couch that provided her with the comfort that only her lover could produce.

Of course she felt an immense amount of guilt leaving Charles on his own for the weekend, in both a romantic and professional aspect, but she couldn't turn down the weekend off that Mattia had presented her with after the events that occurred in Australia, almost like an apology for the couple feeling like they needed to hide their relationship for so long. But she'd had the entire weekend on the tv and she knew that any time he was free that he'd been calling and texting her, especially during the lonesome nights in their respective rooms only a few hours away from one another.

Saturday night had been the night where Charles had needed his lover the most, the strong gut feeling that something was going to go wrong for him too overwhelming for him to brush off. The blonde staying up to listen to him vocalise his feelings and his worries for the following day, to send him whispers of encouragement and words of affirmation, just as she knew how much it relaxed him and his thoughts, and to distract his mind by answering any of his questions about her day and what not; the small acts of service never failing to soothe him to a much needed slumber, Ruby hearing his peaceful breaths and soft snoring as it lulled her sleep.

Watching him biting the straw to his refreshing drink and simply scrolling through his phone, a habit that he had developed when he was nervous not going unnoticed by the blonde as she was quick to reach for her phone, sending him a little message in hopes that he'd see it in time:

no matter the result, i'm so proud of you! you've got this, i love you so much x

And just her luck, and even for his, he had seen it. The cameras perfectly capturing the moment when he had received the much needed message, a beaming smile growing on his face as he read it to himself and there was no doubt that lots of people watching would be wondering if it was his mysterious girlfriend that had managed to put a smile back into Charles Leclerc's face. Unfortunately though, there hadn't been enough time for Charles to reply back to his girlfriend as he was already in quite a rush but there was absolutely no sour feelings on her behalf, even her knowing that he had gotten the message before getting in the car was enough to settle her mind and body slightly.

until i found you - charles leclerc Where stories live. Discover now