06 || this one's for you

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❤️‍🔥👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻🏎💌 — until i found you

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❤️‍🔥👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻🏎💌 — until i found you

"charles leclerc, you have won the bahrain grand prix." ruby shelby heard her boyfriends engineer talk through her headphones, her heart beating at one hundred miles an hour due to the overwhelming sense of pride and love she felt for him in that very moment. anything else that had happened in the run up to the race couldn't have matched this particular moment, flashes of red scattering past her as her coworkers had begun their celebrations.

"you joining us?" mattia asked happily, placing his hand on the top of her shoulder, catching the blondes attention as she turned to look at him with her beaming smile still present.

"i'd love to." she nodded, the pair of them starting to walk to parc ferme where she was ready to watch the love of her life accept the first place trophy yet again.

"i wasn't expecting this today." mattia commented happily, letting out a sigh that he had obviously been holding in the entirety of the race. "the first race of the season and we've already got them both on the podium."

"and it's a one, two aswell, first one since seb in singapore." ruby gave him more to be happy about, the memory forever lasting in her mind and although he no longer drove for the italian team, he would always be her favourite driver, charles being an exception of course. "the media are going to love this."

"luckily charles has you to look out for him in the interviews."

"just doing my job, mattia."

"a job that you do better than any of the others." the team boss nudged her shoulder slightly, the compliment genuine as he had never once said that to any of his other employees. "don't tell them i said that though."

"i'll keep it between us, don't worry." the young shelby playfully winked, the contagious smile not failing to leave her face as she had too many things to be happy about right now. "where do you want me to stand?"

"you can go anywhere but i'm sure charles would want you right at the front."

"what do you mean by that?" the blonde's eyes widened ever so slightly but luckily, she wasn't mattia so he wouldn't be able to see her reaction and question things in his head.

"because you're such good friends, i'm sure he'd appreciate seeing you at the front." mattia told the blonde as he excused them both through the crowd of red shirts that belonged to the ferrari team until they got to the barrier, ruby fishing for her phone so that she could take photos of this moment.

watching him walk out onto that podium with a glistening smile on her face, everything had further fallen into place. seeing charles win and succeed was worth much more than any inner fights she has with herself about leaving the time just so they could be actually act like a couple, much more than the comments that were made about her position in her job and certainly much more than what people said about her.

he was worth every bit of it all.

and she'd never ruin anything that she has with him just to please everybody else who had an opinion.

holding her phone above her head to capture this memory on a video, a smile as wide as something indescribable on her face until she remembered the main reason why she was sent to parc ferme was to take pictures of the double podium to send to the content manager.

she wasn't here watching him as a lover, she was here as coworker and nothing could change that. yet that didn't stop him from discreetly sending a wink in her direction, well as discreetly as he could with a bundle of cameras on him, capturing his every move; but as soon as they were in the private comfort of each other's company, then she'd be able to show him how she'd congratulate him as a lover.

it felt like forever until they finally had a chance to be alone but the media would certainly not appreciate waiting just so they could hug and kiss one another until their hearts content.

"you have no idea how proud i am." the blonde whispered into her boyfriends neck, his arms wrapping even tighter around her waist at her sentence, this being like the post-race ritual: finish doing media, walk back to his drivers room whilst their fingers brush against the other and then hug for a good five minutes whilst she continued to praise him vocally.

"this one's for you." he whispered back to her before softly planting a few kisses on her neck, just above the hidden necklace that held the initial of his first name, the little gesture never failing to make the butterflies in her stomach how wild. "and all of them after it."

"i love you with all of me and even more if that's possible." she pulled away slightly so that she'd be able to actually look him in the eye, his green eyes full of nothing but adoration and pure love for the woman in front of him, ruby moving her hands from around his neck to cup his face gently.

"i love you more." he flicked his eyes from hers to her ferrari red painted lips, the communications liaison noticing what he was doing making her lean into him, pressing her lips against his for a few moments.


after contemplating whether to go and get changed before going out for a few hours, the pair had finally arrived at the venue without anybody catching them leaving together.

"no talk of work tonight, we're celebrating!" she shushed her boyfriend as she watched a bucket of champagne make it's way over in their direction, the dom perignon very clearly being charles' choice as the monegasque never once failing to choose the best that money can buy. "sylvie's going to kill me if she sees me doing this."

"screw sylvie, it's one night of freedom." charles murmered, a smirk laying on his face as he pulled the expensive beverage out of the ice once it was settled on the table, ruby passing him one of the champagne flutes. "and you're going to make the most of it."

"that mechanical bull is calling my name and i've not even had a drink yet." she told him, her gaze staying on the 'ride' once she had scanned the entire area, seeing april and lando at the bar placing an order.

"do you want me to get you a drink?"

"no thanks, love." she politely declined, the pet name coming out naturally but she had nothing to worry about as she nor charles had seen anybody from ferrari. "i need to be completely sober in case i run into anybody and i start rambling on about my amazing boyfriend."

"your boyfriend seems like a good guy."

"he's the best and he's actually just won the first race of the season so he's in for a good time tonight."

"your boyfriend sounds like a lucky man."

"you have no idea." the small smirk still resting on her face, taking a sip of the apple juice that she had bought when they first arrived when she felt his eyes gazing at her. "what?"

"you're just so beautiful."

until i found you - charles leclerc Where stories live. Discover now