22 || in this world, it's just us

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❤️‍🔥👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻🏎💌 — until i found you

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❤️‍🔥👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻🏎💌 — until i found you

"Are you ready to tell them?" Charles whispered, not wanting to draw attention to their hushed conversation despite the fact that they were stood on opposite sides of the boat, the couple tucking their belongings under the seats.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Ruby told him, a smile on her lips as she placed a quick kiss onto his lips, the action making lips curl into a smile against her own. "I think they'll be excited, babe."

"I hope they are." The Monegasque discreetly rested his hand on her growing bump, a feeling that neither of them would ever get over, a product of their love that they couldn't wait to meet. "Mum, Arthur, Lorenzo! Come here!" Charles called to his brothers, who were still getting changed into their swimwear, the couple knowing that now was the best time to tell his family before any suspicions were raised as to why Ruby was yet to get changed.

"Is everything okay with you two, darlings?"

"Yeah, everything's perfect, we just wanted to tell you all something really quickly."

No other words had to be said for Pascale to realise what they wanted to say, the beaming smile on her face evident quite quickly as she put two and two together. "Are you really?" Wasting absolutely no time in embracing both of them in a heartwarming hug when she watched her daughter in law reply with a nod.

"Wait, what's going on? I'm so confused." Arthur questioned, his eyebrows furrowed as he waited to be told why his mum had suddenly become so excited; the eldest brother understanding why as he quickly walked over to the couple whilst puffing his stomach out playfully and rubbing it, to show Arthur that the blonde was pregnant.

"We're having a baby." Ruby cheered excitedly, laughing loudly as she felt the youngest Leclerc tightly wrap his arms around her waist, almost tackling her to the floor due to how giddy he was at the news.

"Congratulations." Lorenzo said happily, one arm around her waist as the other went to pat Charles' shoulder before pulling away and gently kissing both of her cheeks.

"Do you have a bump yet?" Pascale gushed, holding her face in her hands as she watched the younger blonde take her, well Charles', shirt over her head, revealing the now nine week baby bump to his family as the woman gasped excitedly whilst Ruby proudly showed it off.

"How did that happen?" The formula three driver rhetorically asked, pulling Charles into a hug, very quickly regretting asking the question as he listened to what his brother had to say.

"When two people love each other very much-"

"Ah, my ears." Arthur squirmed in disgust as what his brother had began to say, covering his ears as he made a beeline straight to where his mother was stood, the older woman radiating nothing but pure happiness at the fact that she was going to be a grandma. "Mum, Charles is trying to give me the sex talk."

until i found you - charles leclerc Where stories live. Discover now