04 || my favourite person

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❤️‍🔥👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻🏎💌 — until i found you

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❤️‍🔥👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻🏎💌 — until i found you

"my love." charles chuckled as he tried to pull away from his girlfriend, the blonde kissing all over his face as she tried to prove a point to him. "my face is going to be covered in lipstick."

"you said you wanted this to happen." ruby held his face in her hands so that he was forced to look at her but he would have done so without any prompting, as she straddled his lap as a tactic to trap him under her.

"i'm going to look like a tomato." the ferrari driver laughed, scrunching his nose at the thought although he wouldn't mind as much as he let on because it was the aftermath of her affectionate actions so he really had no reason to complain.

"oh darling, you have never looked so good." she quoted one of his infamous sayings, earning a playful eye roll from her boyfriend as she attempted to do a french accent to the best of her ability.

"nothing can top the banana costume."

"oh absolutely not, you're going to be wearing that on our wedding."

"really?" he grew excited at her jokey sentence, imagining the pair of them saying their vows whilst dressed up as fruit. "you can dress up as a fruit too then."

"i'll be a strawberry then. that's a good duo, right, bananas and strawberries?"

"probably not but we'll pull it off, like we do with everything else."

"that's because we never go out of style." she whispered, placing one more soft kiss on his lips before fully inspecting all of the lipstick marks that she'd left on his face. "before the lipstick stains your face, where are the makeup wipes?"

"in the draw over there, my love." he pointed across the room, immediately feeling the lack of warmth that her body provided for him but it quickly coming back as she regained her previous position. "but i'm happy like this, you've claimed me as yours."

"i don't need to do that by leaving stains on your face though." the shelby woman smirked slightly, watching as charles' face started to turn red and it wasn't just because of the lipstick. "i don't have to worry about losing you because you're a simp."

"my love, what's that?"

"a simp is somebody that would do anything for their partner and i think that's you."

"i'll happily be a simp if it means that i get to love you." he told her truthfully, his kind words making her heart melt as he placed his hands on her hips, just above the curve of her bum. "do you wanna know something?"

"what is it, love?"

"i always told myself that i would never fall in love until i found my person." charles confessed, his words surprising her as she wasn't expecting him to come out with that but she certainly wasn't complaining about it, she always loved how open he was with her. "you're my person, ruby."

"don't be surprised if i start crying my eyes out in a minute, that's the nicest thing anybody has ever said to me." the blonde fanned her face in an attempt to prevent her eyes from filling up with tears, the week before her period always making her extra emotional than she already was. "out of everybody in the world, i'm so glad that i fell in love with you because you're the only person that truly understands me and loves me for who i am."

"i'm always going to love you, we're in this together."

"always and forever." charles held up his pinky, the pair interlocking their pinkies before kissing the others, this little gesture always being significant in their relationship as neither of them had broken it before. "i will actually cry in a minute if we carry on and then my makeup will be ruined."

"you'd still the most beautiful woman in the world."

"charles leclerc, you definitely know the way to my heart and i would love to carry this on but you have to get ready for your interview."

"fuck the interview." charles muttered, reaching his hand up to move a stray strand of ruby's hair behind her ear, letting his fingers run across her cheek and jaw when he'd finished. "let's just stay in here and cuddle for the rest of our lives."

"as much as i would love that, we have to make some more memories."

"we have so many over three years to last us a lifetime, my love."

"i know we do, darling, but i wanna make more." ruby wasn't ungrateful, not at all, because charles was right. they had travelled to so many countries and cities, visited some of the worlds most famous monuments and landmarks but there was so much more that was yet to be explored by them. "especially in monaco and when we have our own family."

"when we have a daughter, i have an idea of what we can call her and i'm sure that you're going to love it."

"what would her name be?"

"amelié." the name effortlessly rolling off the tip of his tongue as if he'd been saying it his whole life and it was in that moment where everything clicked for her when mentioning future children. "it means hardworking and i just think it's beautiful."

"that's the sweetest name i've ever heard." ruby smiled brightly as the thought of decorating her future daughters bedroom and doing all things that a mother chooses to do with her daughter and more. "hopefully if we have a daughter, we'll call her that."

"amelié grace leclerc."

"grace after my mum?" she asked quietly, desperately hoping that was why he had chosen the specific middle name for their future daughter, a content sigh leaving her mouth as he nodded. "oh charles, thank you so much."

"i know how much she means to you and i want to show that."

"she'd be so happy about that." ruby wiped under her eyes incase any unknown tears had fallen down her face. "but why leclerc and not shelby?"

"that's because you'll be a leclerc when we have children, my love."

"are you that desperate to marry me?"

"how could i not?" charles could see how much this all meant to her and although they had never properly sat down and had a deep conversation about getting married, they both knew that it was blind to happen one day because they were soulmates. "you're my favourite person in the whole world and you're my best friend."

"i guess you're my favourite person too." ruby playfully shrugged her shoulders, earning a chuckle off of the love of her life before giggling herself. taking a quick glance at her watch, her eyes widened at the time. "as much as i hate to ruin this moment and as tempted as i am to stay with here with you, we really have to go now."

until i found you - charles leclerc Where stories live. Discover now