10 || midnight swim

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❤️‍🔥👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻🏎💌 — until i found you

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❤️‍🔥👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻🏎💌 — until i found you

The past few days of relaxing back in Monaco had been nothing but absolute bliss and it was such a shame that it had to come to an end so quickly but nothing could top a brand new race weekend. The couple spending their limited days off basking under the spring sun, a fresh tan topping their skin that many would be jealous of. Sun, sea and sex, the trinity that Charles and Ruby lived by wherever they were, but majorly in the comfort of their own home.

But the infamous act of pretending they were simply just good friends had to make an appearance, once again. This time on the plane trip to Saudi Arabia where they'd spend the upcoming weekend in hopes of adding yet another trophy to their impressive collection, but nothing was new about their acting as they had done it previous times before.

However, as much as she wanted nothing more to spend the flight sleeping on Charles' shoulder or having conversations where they both tried their hardest to keep their laughter to a minimum, Ruby adored the time to herself that she could only get at the back of the plane with a book in her hands as she occasionally glanced over to her boyfriend or outside the window.

Taking her time to scan her eyes over the large clouds, that she could only imagine touching, she hadn't noticed the body giddily sitting next to her until feeling a touch on her thigh, jumping at the interaction until realising who it was. "How on earth did you sneak back here?"

"Everybody is asleep so it was easy." Charles whispered, placing a warm hand on his girlfriends cheek before kissing the other one, her lips curling up into a smile at his affection. "Who are you sat with, my love?"

"Nobody, it's all yours." She told him at the same volume, closing her book but keeping her page by resting her thumb between the pages so she could give him her full attention.

"Why are you on your own?" He asked curiously, eyebrows furrowed ever since slightly.

"I asked for my own seats so I can have some peace and quiet." Her words caused him to nod understandingly before she carried on. "But also because i knew you would do this."

"What are you reading?"

"The new book that you bought me." The blonde lifted the book up slightly, the blue and purple highlights on the cover getting caught in the sunlight, the reflections shining onto the Monegasque's face as he thought back to the day with a smile on his face; the pure excitement she had radiated when Charles had brought home a book for her because it simply reminded him of her. It's honestly the little things that count. "I'm really enjoying it so far."

"You have to read it to me later, i love when you read to me." He suggested contently, referring back to the many times she had read one of her books to him, whether it was to help him sleep or not, both of them loved the intimacy of it all. "Can I have one of your AirPods please?"

until i found you - charles leclerc Where stories live. Discover now