34 || to our daughter...

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❤️‍🔥👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻🏎💌 — until i found you

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❤️‍🔥👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻🏎💌 — until i found you

a birthday present from me to you 🤍 it's a very long one btw

charles leclerc has posted a new video!

to our daughter...

The fifteen minute long video starts off with a frantic Ruby Shelby, pacing her father's bathroom with her phone in her hand as she waffles to the camera about why and how she thought she was pregnant, more so focusing on the why area, the nervous rambling coming into play at that very second. A late or irregular period was quite common, even if it was only a day late, and despite how much she told herself, Ruby couldn't quite shake off the feeling that there may be a small possibility that she was pregnant, although the possibility was slim the blonde still couldn't bring herself to tell her fiancé, resulting to the woman's best friend sat on the stairs outside of the bathroom awaiting to hear the results. April Summers, the best friend that everybody deserved.

If she truly was pregnant, she had absolutely not clue what she'd do as neither her or Charles had expected or assumed this would happen without actually planning it in advance, especially since they were in the middle of the f1 season but it started to look like the couple would have to cross that bridge sooner rather than later.

"I have no idea why I decided to film this because in all honesty in either situation I don't know what I'm going to do with this video." Ruby nervously rambled to her phone, it picking up every single glance that she gave to the covered pregnancy test and every time she played with her hair when she got nervous.

"But." She continued on with her mini monologue. "It might be fun to watch when I'm older, or maybe not. I don't actually know, time is going by slow and I don't know what to do."

Ruby had never felt time pass more slowly than in these three minutes and she'd had her fair few experiences of boring flights all across the world, the feeling of not knowing whether your world was going to make a full 180 degree turn would be enough to make anybody feel the same.

"April, save my mind please." Ruby huffed exiting the bathroom after the anticipation got too much for her, needed an immediate distraction to help herself calm down, although her best friend was just as nervous as she was. Sitting on the step of the stairs below the brunette and resting her head on her knee, the two Mancunian woman began a lighthearted conversation, truly acting like general YouTube vloggers in this moment in time.

"At least we're going to see Harry Styles concert, might even get his attention." Was the only other thing that April Summers could think of, neither of the two best friends expecting their day to start out like this the day of going to see the singer in concert.

until i found you - charles leclerc Where stories live. Discover now