29 || roadtrip to milan

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❤️‍🔥👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻🏎💌 — until i found you

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❤️‍🔥👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻🏎💌 — until i found you

The day that followed the French Grand Prix was one of the most hectic days that Ruby Shelby (Leclerc) had ever experienced in her life, regardless of the days after finding out she was pregnant and hiding her marriage from all of her friends and family. What had started off as a light surprise that was easily accessible for the Mancunian woman had escalated drastically, the long-awaited surprise now in Milan. But at least her home was a pleasant distraction from all of the alterations.

Monaco was shining in all of it's glory, hopefully a sign from the heavens that today was actually going to go to plan. The glorious, pleasing sun beaming through the moderately opened curtains, the soft melodies of Harry Styles echoing quietly throughout the bedroom, topped off with the smell of fresh strawberries that lingered all throughout the air. Life was perfect and so was her husband, and she was one hundred percent sure that tiktok would agree with the latter.

"Morning, baby, what're you doing?" Charles spoke lovingly as he walked over to his side of the bed quietly, only speaking when he saw that she was wide awake on her phone.

"Nothing." The blonde replied with a small smile resting on her face, looking at him from over her shoulder.

"Are you watching edits of me?" He laughed, finally noticing what she was in fact watching after hearing the same song repeat three times since he had made an appearance.

"Maybe." Ruby unashamedly continued to watch the video, only before scrolling onto another one, receiving a chuckle off of the Monegasque and a light kiss to her exposed neck, which earned him an exaggerated gasp. "Babe, you actually stink."

"I've only been sat outside, how can I smell?"

"For the love of my wellbeing and the baby, please take a shower."

"Care to join me?" Charles suggested with a smirk appearing on his face, the blonde resisting a smile after hearing his question, her two weeks of gcse drama (before swapping to spanish) coming into play.

"You know I'd never turn that down but I've got so much to do today, lovey, im sorry." Ruby cupped one of her cheeks, placing an apologetic peck onto his lips.

"Anything I can help with?" He offered lovingly.

"Other than showering? Nope, have a rest day before we fly to Hungary." Tuesdays were always the day that the couple tried their hardest to relax on double headers, when of course there wasn't any work duties to attend to.

"I can't wait for the break." Charles huffed as he finally pushed himself off the bed, sighing as he slowly dragged his feet to the bathroom.

until i found you - charles leclerc Where stories live. Discover now