11 || self-care in saudi

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❤️‍🔥👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻🏎💌 — until i found you

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❤️‍🔥👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻🏎💌 — until i found you

It's yet another warm morning in Saudi Arabia as the couple wake up, Ruby up earlier than her boyfriend as it typically is; the multiple hues of the sunrise peeking through the half closed sun blinds, slowly heating and highlighting Charles' naked upper half, his arm slumped around her waist in an attempt to keep her as close to him as possible. The desperate feeling of wanting to stay curled into his arms and forget about the day ahead flooding her body as she rolled over to her other side, taking her time to admire each and every delicate feature of his face, from his mouth that was letting out soft snores to the slight scrunch in his eyebrows.

Although she had gazed upon him many times before, she never truly could get over how beautiful he was. Ruby didn't actually know how long she'd been looking at him for until she saw his eyes flutter open, squeezing them shut at the sudden daylight that invaded their room, a groan replacing the snores as he nuzzled his face into the crevice of her neck, placing light kisses on the smooth skin.

"Happy race day, darling." The blonde whispered down his ear, reaching to play with the hair on the nape of his neck once she felt that he was awake. "How are you feeling?"

"I would have liked to start from pole but hopefully it will be good but you never know here." The monegasque muttered, his morning voice never ever failing to make the butterflies in Ruby's stomach go feral, his french accent adding on to that attractiveness. "As long as you're there, I'll be fine."

"I'm always going to be there, whether you like it or not." Ruby told him, kissing the top of his head before noticing it had been two weeks since their last Sunday self care night, their traditions not going unnoticed. "Fancy a self care night tonight?"

"I can never say no to you when you look at me like that." Charles had eventually moved his head from her neck to her pillow, their foreheads touching as her lip was pouted slightly, a soft chuckle leaving his mouth. "I wasn't going to say no anyway but you're just really cute."

"Am i still cute if I tell you that I think there's still some water up my nose from the other night?" She asked, a loud laugh escaping Charles' mouth as she giggled along with him.

"Even more so, you almost drowned for me."

"And they say romance is dead." The Mancunian chuckled before she felt Charles' soft hand cupping her cheek, tenderly pulling her face towards his so he could connect their lips together. Their lips slotting together like a perfect symphony that angels sang, the pair of them smiling into it before the blonde had to pull away but not without pecking his lips a few more times, earning a frustrated groan off of her boyfriend.  "You know we have to get up soon?"

until i found you - charles leclerc Where stories live. Discover now