23 || to my soulmate

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❤️‍🔥👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻🏎💌 — until i found you

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❤️‍🔥👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻🏎💌 — until i found you

hi hello! it's been a while and it's messy so I apologise x

The day has finally arrived, the day where Charles and Ruby were able to say that they were officially married. Of course they were going to keep it between the pair of them for now but it seemed like a lifetime that they had awaited this very day. An intimate and romantic ceremony for just the two of them to become Mr and Mrs Leclerc before the arrival of their first born child before the dreamy wedding in Lake como with their families and closest friends once the baby was born, it was all they could have ever wanted.

Luckily, for the pair of them, they had managed to escape any burning questions from their respective families, the Leclerc's and the Shelby's residing in the Mancunians home for the day as a barbecue was being delivered in the blazing sun. If no questions had been vocalised, there was definitely going to be some thoughts as Ruby had left the house in a loose white dress with Charles in somewhat dressy trousers.

"There's only one song that we should be playing right now." Ruby told her husband to be as she picked his phone up, quickly finding his Spotify like second nature and playing the song that had been in repeat for the entire morning.

"And what would that be, my love?"

"Going to the chapel and we're gonna get married." The blonde sang happily, a beaming smile on her face as she continued in time with the song, her features bathing in the sunlight. "Gee, I really love you and we're gonna get married."

"I can't believe that in an hour that we'll actually be married." Charles smiled, resting his hand on her thigh, running his thumb over the exposed skin.

"It feels so surreal, like I will actually be your wife." She let out a content sigh as her eyes watched the familiar streets of her hometown pass by her until they had finally reached the registry office, Charles carefully helping his bride out of the car. "Do i look alright?"

"You look beautiful, I can't even put it into words how stunning you are." He told her truthfully, scanning his eyes all over her and taking in every feature of hers that he especially loved and adored, his eyes fixated on her bump for a few moments.

Due to how private the couple wanted this to be for themselves, they had resorted to buying similar pieces of jewellery for the other to exchange instead of rings, saving that for their actual wedding day; Charles purchasing the most stunning pair of Tiffany & Co earrings for her, a staple piece of jewellery that she was definitely going to be wearing on their big day and she had bought him the thin necklace chain that she knew he had been wanting for a long while.

until i found you - charles leclerc Where stories live. Discover now