08 || mornings in monaco

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❤️‍🔥👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻🏎💌 — until i found you

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❤️‍🔥👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻🏎💌 — until i found you

I'm so sorry that this chapter took nearly two months to come out, I've literally just written it!!

The past few days had been absolutely hectic. From what felt like hundreds of interviews after Charles had won the first race of the season, multiple teams meetings about what to expect for the upcoming races to an impulsive flight back to their home in Monaco, both Charles and Ruby felt like they could sleep for days.

But on top of all of the work duties they had to follow, they also had to be cautious in public places such as the airport and even the plane. Of course there would've been suspicions raised if the couple were out and about on their own but thanks to their quick thinking and incredible disguises, the pair were able to successfully escape from the chaos with no recognition.

All of the rushing and hiding made moments like this extra special, the moments where they could be themselves in the comfort of their own home. They didn't have to be the couple that were forced to hide their relationship from anybody other than their family, they were Charles and Ruby. The Charles and Ruby who did nothing else other than relish in the others company. The Charles and Ruby that loved until the world came to an end.

"My love." Charles repeated as he planted featherlight kisses all over his lovers bare neck, his smooth lips eventually waking up the blonde after multiple attempts of doing so, yet he never stopped kissing all over her.

The sounds of the waves gently crashing against the shore and the bluebirds chirping outside adding to the tranquil setting that Charles was trying to create for his girlfriend after a stressful few days. The soft spring breeze lightly pushing the blinds open, providing a gap for the risen sun to poke through, the golden rays settling over Ruby's face, highlighting her features thar Charles could never get over.

"Good morning to you too." Ruby giggled softly as her eyes fluttered open, turning over to see the love of her life slightly hovering over her. And despite the fact that it had only been a second or two since she had woken up, she was already being attacked by affection but she was complaining one bit.

"How did you sleep, angel?" The Ferrari driver moved a stray piece of bonds hair that had fallen over her eye because of the breeze that had now moved its way into the bedroom ever so slightly.

"Amazingly, having you next to me always makes it easier for me to sleep." She smiled up at him lovingly, resting one of her hands on his bicep as his that was once fixing her hair had moved to cup her cheek, his thumb running along her cheekbone. "Plus waking up in Monaco with you kissing me is one of the best things."

"If i could, I'd never stop kissing you." He leant down to finally kiss his girlfriend on the lips, yet not getting the chance to as the Shelby woman had moved her head at the last second. "Kiss me properly."

"But I've got morning breath, honey." She chuckled at the sight of him playfully, though she was sure that there was a hint of seriousness lingering in it, rolling his eyes at her comment.

"We've been together for three years, i don't care about morning breath." He shook his head, Ruby jokingly letting out a huff before pulling his face closer to hers, their lips fitting together perfectly as neither of them wanted to pull away just yet.

"How long have you been awake?" She asked him once they had finally stopped kissing, noticing his energetic aura and wondering if he woke up like that or not.

"Not long, ten minutes?" Charles shrugged. "I was going to make breakfast but my mum wants to see us today, something about a family barbecue."

"I know we've been together for three years but i still can't believe that your mum classes me as family."

"She adores you, my love, as do I." The monegasque took this as his chance to steal another kiss, quickly leaning down and kissing her. "So do Arthur and Lorenzo and i know that my dad would too."

"I love you so much."

"I love you more."

"I'm surprised they didn't make us go straight to Saudi Arabia but I'm very happy we're here." Ruby diverted her gaze from the man above her to the scene outside, the perfect view of the beach never failing to amaze her every time they were back at home. "Even if it's only for a day or two, it's better than nothing."

"After Saudi, we're spending a lot more time here and Manchester. Finally go and visit your family, it's been a while."

"It really has, Lacie facetimed me the other day and she's grown up so much." The blonde recalled to him, other than her dad, her little sister had to be the person she missed the most. "It's only been a few months but it's probably the longest I've not physically seen any of them."

"I know, love, there was something I needed to talk to your dad about anyways."

"Oh right, what about?"

"He wants to bring Ember for their anniversary so he wants my help with hotels and stuff."

"He could have asked me." She chuckled, furrowing her brows slightly.

"Yeah I know but he said it's because I'm from Monaco so I know the area better." He scratched the back of his head, the quick fire response paying off in his favour as Ruby tilted her head in agreement,

"Yeah that's true, give him the most expensive hotel then."

"Or we could let them stay with us?"

"Absolutely not, babe." Her eyes widened to the point where they almost fell out of the sockets, immediately wanting to put an end to the rash idea that he had just came up with. "I really don't want to hear them have sex and i don't want them to hear us."

"It's not my fault that you're too loud." Charles held his hands up in defence, earning a laugh from his girlfriend, only leading to him chuckling along with her.

"It really is." The blonde laughed once again, shaking her head as she pecked his cheek before getting out of the way too comfortable bed. "I'm gonna get in the shower, love you."

"Love you too." Shit. That was a close one.

until i found you - charles leclerc Where stories live. Discover now